how to get her on a schedule
I am now strictly 1st shift so I will be home in the evenings. We need a nightly routine so she will sleep better, I'm tired of this up every two hours stuff. She usually nurses to go to sleep but when I was on second and hubby was putting her to bed he got her hooked on falling asleep in her now that's how she wants to go to sleep. We already do a bath and I bought the calming lotion..I was thinking maybe a book and then letting her nurse laying down in our bed where its dark? She is 9.5 months. I need a schedule! I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in what feels like months! Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Tia!
I dont think its whats in the routine as much as finding one and sticking to it so that she knows okay its wind down time and bed soon. During our routine we use soft voices and minimal light.