feeling a little discouraged..
I started bleeding two weeks ago today. It was extremely light and off and on. I'd bleed a little bit one day and then the next day nothing. Then the day after I'd bleed a little. It started eight days before af was due so I thought maybe it was implantation bleeding but after a few days, it got heavier and turned into a period. I took a test and got a bfn. Fiance is convinced it was too early so I should test again. I haven't had any bleeding today, but I bled until yesterday. I don't know what to think! I don't know if it was a chemical pregnancy or what. I didn't have any cramping or pain. I passed a few small clots. It's so frustrating. I think I'm gonna call the doctor Monday just in case something is up. I'm almost ready to say I'm over ttc because its such a let down every month to only see one line on an hpt. I don't know what to do anymore. I guess its time to start thinking about fertility treatments. It happened before with no help. Just good old sex! Im a little worried having a miscarriage screwed me up.