Malia's birthday almost ruuined..

Seriously, this day is about MALIA. My boyfriend has been playing fkn halo wars all day! He took Malia took the park so I could finish cleaning. The party was supposed to start at 5, but everyone is fkn late. I was already overwhelmed with everything to do & the realization that she is 1. I'm beyond pissed, but I'm trying to stay collected... as I wrote that, they showed up at the door.

The night ended good, not all as I planned and bf was still jerkish, but Malia had fun!


  • Sorry you had such a stressful day but thats great that Malia had fun!
  • Happy it turned out okay
  • I know you're frustrated with him but I would continue focusing on the important part of Malia having fun just like you did :)... A lot of men just don't see the first birthday like the mom don't take it too personal.
  • @Jules you reminded me.. when he went to the park, I asked him to get the matching table cloth to go with her things, he was saying he wouldn't remember what it looked like & that it didn't matter, blah blah... guess what he came home with?

    That's right, the matching one, like a good man..

    And he apologized after cleaning up EVERYTHING!
  • Well that's good! See I'm are he didn't mean to be butt about it :)
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