Why is frangrence and sents bad for babies? What lotion is the safest for babies?

edited August 2012 in Health
Just wondering... I have Johnson's baby lotion it doesn't say that there's any frangrence to it but still I'm unsure since the pediatrician told me before that babies were having skin irritation from this kinda baby lotion..


  • Yep, babies skin can irritate from anything. Johnson and Johnson had a few recalls though I'm pretty sure for having a dangerous chemical. If you want something more natural use the natural line or baby magic is really good. Get unscented though
  • Our pedi reccomends cetaphill. :) we love the stuff. Lauren has super sensetive skin.
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  • I never put lotion on Alanah. If she had and dry patches I would put vitamin E oil on her. There was no smell. And I only put it on the really dry areas. "Feet, hand, and on her forehead.

    I have also heard not to put lotion or baby oil on babies. But idk
  • We used aveeno when she was really small, and now we use lavender lotion at night and aveeno during the day.
  • @MorgDeeBee I have enough Aveeno but was unsure about if it was safe enough for babies or not...

    @HUPE23_1 I heard as long as its not sented it's fine.. I hear so many different things i was confused...
  • I love the babyganics stuff!!
  • I was the bedtime Johnson lotion and also the regular. We've never had any issues with it. I think it depends on your babys skin
  • http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/11/14/johnson-johnson-baby-products-toxic.aspx

    Here is an article about baby products and Johnson and Johnson. I refuse to use any of their line. I use earth mama angel baby it rates 0 on EWG.
  • We use Johnson and Johnson regular and bedtime. Never had issues. It depends on how sensitive baby's skin is. If you or hubby have sensitive skin then baby could too, but neither hubby or I don't have it so our lo is ok.
  • I always forget to put lotion on levi so he only gets it after his baths mainly. I have equate. the johnson and johnson generic, also have the bed time generic from target for when he gets baths at night. That is lavender scented. Something I learned within the last couple years is we women should use fragrance free soap and not use anything in a bath!
  • Thanks ladies
  • I use shae moisture no chemicals i use the
    Shampoo/wash an the lotion
  • I use j&j never had problem mine smells good too. And both Marquis and I have sensitive skin and she has little area that was sensitive when she was first born and we bought her like 2 different all natural stuff and aveno for babies with sensitive skin and didn't help at all. I just continues using the Johnson&johnson and it helped she has normal healthy skin so I love it :). But every baby is different.
  • I use the California baby, Burts Bees, and Dr. Bronners stuff. No harsh chemicals, and organic ingredients. My lo breaks out when I put the cheap stuff on him.
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