how to change wic

We are currently in California until October 3rd when my husband starts his terminal leave from the military, then we will be moving back to Arizona. How do I get my wic changed to Arizona when the time comes? Do I have to re-apply or can they transfer our files to Arizona? I already have an address there since we are moving in with my mom, and our pay won't change at all until December.


  • @cupcake22 I have a wic appointment on the 10th so ill ask.
  • edited August 2012
    Ask your current WIC to provide the transfer form with all your necessary information. I forget the name of the form, sorry as it's been a while since I worked there.

    You can also bring your current WIC booklet or family ID # to any local WIC and they'll be able to transfer you. The first option is quicker, but either work.

    If you use your current checks, you won't be able get new ones until the current ones expire, although some states work differently so ask to be certain. Most WIC checks/vouchers do not work across state lines.
  • @mijita that was my next question cuz my checks go from the Sept.10-October10 so I'd already be in az before they end so would I just have them give them to me in CA till like the 2nd then get New ones from az?
  • @MorgDeeBee ... Your WIC is only good within your state. When you move you have to reapply in the new state. Oh wait @Mijita already said this. LOL
  • They will base it on the same period, so if you use yours in CA then you'll have to wait until after the 10th to get your new ones. If you tell them you are moving they'll only issue the one month to prevent problems in the new state.
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