anxiety management/psychiatrist

edited August 2012 in Health
I suffer with ibs which has now led to panic attacks if I go out I panic if I'm not near a toilet I can't eat while out or if going out that day so that means school days I dnt eat till 4/5 which seeing as I'm annemic with reli low iron can lead to fainting anyway I'm now waiting to sEe a psychiatrist jw if any1 has seen one before about anxiety and has it helped? Sorry for long post :) xx


  • I hope this helps you sweetie, just be very honest and open with them, dont try and put a brave face on it. After what I've been going through lately I know just how you will be feeling all the time and it must be awful, at least mine seem to be in bouts and the roughest bits are lasting 4/5 days at most. Good luck x
  • my best friend sees one and has been prescribed meds for anxiety... hers got so bad she almost could drive bc of panic attacks. But with the meds, it's much better. Much more manageable. Good luck :)
  • Make sure to ask if the meds they offer don't have gastric side effects as it will aggravate your condition. Most cause loose stools in the beginning.

    Are you eating an adequate amount of fiber, especially soluble fibers (i.e. whole grains, fruits, veggies, beans/legumes), they help alleviate symptoms of IBS.
  • Anything I seem to eat goes through me @Mijita esp fruit veg fish meat cereals etc no matter what I eat :( xx

    @RedShadoe0 ty hope works same then :) soon as I get our door I wanna turn and run straight back in lol xx

    @littlenat86 ty babe its not nice wouldent wish it on an enemy! I've also been told hypnotheropy but docs won't/cant do it so would have to find one and there all 2 expensive but is my last resort xx
  • Try and think positively about this option and don't worry about further down the read ideas. Take care and keep us updated x
  • Ty hun will do just gtta wait for app now should get it this week :) @littlenat86 xx
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