well one week left to go

Yeah that's right only one more chemo session left at this stage and then the week after they will remove the port that was put in. This week has been hell so far buti won't say things could be worse because that is just inviting more shit to be thrown at me lol.

The rest of my life and problems are still the same as they have been for months so not really much good happening other than hopefully the end of a shit few months lol.

Figured I better update with something before I got in trouble with @Mama_Kat lol


  • Hope this week flies by and then you get a turn around and everything brightens up. You and that sweet LO need to get better quick! Did I miss an old post or comment saying what causes him to get sick so much?
  • @1stWoodsBaby no at this stage we don't know. He has another round of blood tests soon to follow up because last ones showed odd shaped red blood cells but other than that we have no clue and it sucks lol.
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  • @Mama_Kat it's been more to do with me and wife rather than chemo but hey why would I expect that to improve lol.
  • Glad its nearly all over! So sorry about your problems though, it can't be helping at a time like this :-( hope the little dude is doing well x
  • I'm so happy your almost done :). Honestly I don't want to be rude but if I had serious issues which my bf and I do but if he for seriously sick I wouldn't give shit anymore. That's just me. I would set everything aside and be there for him to get healthy. but like I said I don't know the story and your relationship I can only speak for myself. But I really wish u the best.
  • @jules I know exactly what you mean. She has been very supportive during this time but it really is just the total lack of intimacy killing me. To lay it out there we have maybe had sex twice in six months and nothing in the last 20 weeks. Believe me I've been a right prick to.
  • Im so sorry you having so many troubles with the wife. im glad your almost done with cemo. And i hope things get better for you. Hope your baby is ok for now.
  • Hugs >:D<
  • Well I'm glad she has been supportive but if she has issues she wants to deal with but thinks right now is not the best time. which u know is true then having sex in her mind is leading you on to think you two are doing great. I'm just trying to think of reasons why. That's all I could think of at the moment.
  • @jules when she does ever actually talk to me about it she says its just she has no desire for it. I understand that and respect it is hard if not in the mood but my self esteem and how i view my body now make it feel like its me she's rejecting. I don't even get undressed in front of her anymore because I feel so uncomfortable about everything since I had to have the surgery.

    Guess its just something I have to live with for now.
  • I'm sorry you have to go through that. Since I'm a girl I know how weird that can feel sometimes. But her problems are with herself trust me and don't let it get to you :).
  • Thanks @jules as said I'm ok just gets you down sometimes. I'm also thinking it may be because of the port as well even though I have been wearinga top to bed after all you know its still there lol.
  • Well I think u have good spirit so keep it up!
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