Baby is rolling to her sides and sucking her hand..

edited August 2012 in Babies "First's"
She also knows how to take her own pacifier out of her mouth.. \:D/

I don't know if this is normal for a month and a half old baby but i'm exceited. :-D


  • Levi does that too, but I always take his hands out of his mouth and give him hoya paci. I do not want a finger sucker. A nuk can be taken away but thumb sucking can become a big problem! Do you mean she spits out her paci or pulls it out? since levi always has his hands up by his face probably like your little one he has done the same since birth! Then gets bad because the nuk is out! Grr
  • Sometimes she literally takes it out and other times her hand just pushes it out accidently because of her moving her arms and hands around her face. @LeviLuv8
  • Yeah I see that with levi! Its funny sometimes I'll look at him when he is sleeping and he is holding on to it while its in his mouth! So cute
  • Aww so cute! Shes getting so big so fast! :D
  • edited August 2012
    Omg I know :X she's tall for her age too which is gonna make her grow more.. people are gonna always think she's older. Already a few people thought she was 3months :O lol @Aubreysmommy
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