round ligament pain???

edited August 2012 in Health
Last night me and my son fell asleep on the couch after eating at a buffet (a pregnant woman's dream) I woke up and I had this burning pain near my pelvis and when I got up it slowly went away...I've never had this pain before with my last pregnancy hell I didn't have none of the pains I've been getting so I just wanted to know if it's normal I googled it an it said it was normal but I'm not sure and since that I've had like a pain/pressure there what is going on what is this child doing lol


  • RLP is normal and can very much be a pain! All our ligimits are getting more loose and getting wider so we can birth our babys :-)
  • I've had major rlp too and it's been way more severe than my last pregnancy. I was worried it wasn't just that but the next day I was fine. So..just take it easy for today and hopefully it'll ease up.
  • Okay good!! I've never had any of these pains my last pregnancy so I'm excited that I do because maybe this will help with having a VBAC!
  • And my hips are hurting lmao !! This is too much lol
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