is it to late for me to exclusive pump *UPDATE
tomorrow my baby will be 2 weeks old I squeeze my breast and some milk come out and every other feeding my breast hurt
if its not late to pump my milk out...I would like to know what kind of pump is best..and does it matter if she drinking 2 1/2 oz of forum milk will I make 2 oz of milk by pumping..and is it true I should take iodine because I have hypothyroidism to help with my baby eyes brain and how long should I pump?
if its not late to pump my milk out...I would like to know what kind of pump is best..and does it matter if she drinking 2 1/2 oz of forum milk will I make 2 oz of milk by pumping..and is it true I should take iodine because I have hypothyroidism to help with my baby eyes brain and how long should I pump?
@trixiesmom8 @NylasMommy @ScarlettsMama @Crisjoe @Fate @misskristin @Mijita @EzrasMommy
I don't think you need to supplement iodine if you are using table salt (others may advise differently). Just make sure to stay well hydrated and eat a well balanced diet. Congrats and good luck!