3 Weeks PP and did the deed... question (tmi)

Ok so i'm 3 Weeks postpartum and we went to mess around for the first time. Well it led to sex but when time came for him to... You know, he pulled out. I just had a 9lb baby so you'd think I'd scared to attempt it but wasn't. My question is: 1- I am still bleeding so would it hurt me physically even if I felt no pain? 2- are there warning signs to look for (start bleeding more heavily, etc) and 3- could I get pregnant again? I know that pregnancy is always a chance when having sex..especially unprotected but I mean being only 3 Weeks PP and still bleeding. Any opinions or experiences? Thanks!


  • edited August 2012
    You can still get pregnant, I had a friend that got pregnant during the post partum bleeding , and there shouldn't be any physical consequences, well I'm no doctor but I havent heard of anyone who suffered from any .
  • @Janet_2011 thank you for the response and no physical consequences makes me feel a little better but as much as I love my babies, getting pregnant scares me. How was your friends pregnancy?

    @captivated @homebirthadvocate any opinions?
  • Her pregnancy went ok, I guess our bodies are really strong.
  • I heard that if you're bleeding, then you still have a "wound" inside your uterus..which means it can get infected. But having said that, I've done the same thing before too!
  • Man my lo is 12w and o attempted sex the other day and had to so my hubby! I can't imagine at3w! Lol
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