head size...help PLEASE

edited August 2012 in Babies Health
I just left my sons nine month appointment and they are worried about his head size. At his six month appointment they had mentioned that his head size had jumped up a considerable amount since his last appointment, but it was nothing to be concerned about. This time it jumped up ever more than last time....an inch in circumference...and that they are concerned. His head circumference curve is not a curve at all....it goes up in an almost straight line...right now he is in the 75 percentile. He said if it jumps up again at twelve months we will need to do an mri to find out what's wrong. I have not stopped crying since we left the office. A family friend just found out her son has a brain tumor and will not live past five...the only symptom her son had at first was a large head. Someone PLEASE tell me its normal and this is just his Dr bein crazy and that everything is ok!


  • Praying everything is ok.
  • I am sorry hun, I will pray for you. Both of my boys have big heads but I haven't really heard of anything like that, hopefully its just a scare and things will be ok. I will be thinking about you all..
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  • I don't think they are worried so much with the size...but with how fast it is growing. I wish I could not worry...but I'm terrified.
  • My son had this issue. Big heads run in the fam. Itwas shaped weird when he was born but that was from pushing.....doc thought otherwise. So they did a xray and it was fine. Then every month his head kept growing and didn't stop. After telling them a million times that my husband has a big head and all the boys they were so convinced something was still wrong. Well they did every test in the book and guess what nothing was wrong! Sometimes docs like to overreact but they wanna be safe than sorry. My son is almost 1 and his head is as big as my 4 year old. But he will grow into it. I'm sure Ur baby is fine
  • @lafiittz89 thank you so much! You just put my mind at ease. His daddy has a HUGE head! Im praying that's all it is!
  • My daughter had this same issue... When we went back for her 12month check up it jumped again... Her doctor called about an mri and talked with the other doctors and came to the conclusion that since she was meeting her milestones she was fine. No mri needed. My daughter still has a soft spot at 13 months (it has always been large) and her doctor said if they still have a soft spot she can do an ultrasound instead of mri. I would call the doctor if you are really concerned and ask for an ultrasound now. I think my daughter is just getting her daddys head size... Does anyone in your family or dads family have a larger head? Is If reachmg his milestones ok? I think with as many other people that has had this happen it is probably pretty common. I will be praying!
  • My two younger brothers both have large heads. One of them had to go back several times to get remeasured because it was so large. They even had my dad come in to get measured.. turns out they just have a case of big heads. No medical issues.
  • @second_time_mommy7 hes meeting his milestones early! Crawling since six months...pulling up since seven..and taking a few steps now. The Dr mentioned that he seems to understand wonderfully and seems like a bright little guy.

    And his dads side of the family is full of big heads. It's great to hear of other cases of big heads w no serious Issues. Thank you all so much!
  • edited February 2013
  • My uncles has a huge head like biggest size hat they make big, his 2 year olds head is off the chart because it is so big. He is a perfectly healthy VERY VERY smart little boy.
  • I worry about my son too his head is tiny He's in the 20th %
  • Thank you all so much. I was so sick to my stomach and beyond upset yesterday. It's so relieving to hear that its not as abnormal as the Dr. Made it out to be. I hope he does just have a big head like his daddy! And a huge brain to fill it up!( which he deff won't be getting from daddy! Lol)
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