weaning questions! please help!

So im weaning my 1 year old and i have a few questions for you ladies!:
1. How long did u do the weaning process for? Like how long from starting to wean to being completely done?
2. Im not giving my son wheat or dairy yet, so what kind of foods can i give him to make sure he gets all the nutrients he needs now that he is not getting breastmilk?
3. How often do u give them meals and food and snacks and how muck milk (im doing almond milk)?


  • You could start by cutting out nursing sessions and feeding table foods. Don't go cold turkey as you may suffer engorgement. Taper down your feedings as you feel comfortable, and provide a snack or meal where a nursing session was replaced.

    Since you are doing almond milk make sure you provide foods that have protein and calcium, as almond milk is deficient.

    Congrats on your successful year of BFing. :)
  • I stopped just last week (my daughter will be 1 Monday) and it was too easy! I realized she was only feeding to sleep and she didn't need it anymore. She eats 3 times a day with snack in between and formula at nap and bed time (just until she can have real milk) I've also put her in her toddler bed and she is doing fantastic! Sleeping through the night. And engorgement wasn't even an issue, my right boob dried up on its own and my left got full (I expressed it a little) within 3 days was back to normal :) GL!
  • I'm going through the process right now...been trying to cut out the number of times I offer the Boob cause I use to just offer whenever she wanted but now i'm like no you just ate you don't need it...cause she'll usually just wasn't to suckle
  • I am going cold turkey. My son associates bf with sleeping and is up every time I move wanting the breast. Doctor recomended a sippy cup with water over night and if that doesn't work ferber method. My son is large 90% on height and weight and does not need night feeding. We are on day number 3 he is getting better about it but still up about 5-7 times a night.
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