Boobie preference

edited September 2012 in Breastfeeding
Lily is 13 months and for the last week she's been rejecting my left boob. She for the most part only nurses at nap time, at bedtime and overnight. I alternate breasts and in the morning when it's time to for left boob she pushes it away and demands the other.

During the day when she wants to snack or if I'm putting her to sleep, she'll take the left side, but in the mornings she's very specific about not wanting the left boob.

I'm curious if any of you have experienced this, as I'm not sure if it's just a phase or if this is the start of self weaning.

Any input is greatly appreciated, thanks!


  • My little one has always hated my left boob, lol. I have to force him to take it.
  • I usually cover up the right and he forgets about it ;)
  • @captivated; that's just it, it's covered and she's insistent. She literally pushes the boob away. So strange! I know there is plenty because when she nurses on that side she is swallowing in gulps.
  • Maybe try a different position on that side, like try football hold, McKinley always had trouble with my left too until I changed how she was laying.
  • @natashalynn; she's almost 14 months and never had an issue with position. We are usually in bed and she's usually half asleep when she does it. I try redirecting but she'll cry and literally push the boob away and look for the other. It's strange to say the least.
  • Maybe since it's not being emptied as often it doesn't taste as good. ?
  • @Wilsomom; I don't think so as at nap today she nursed for over 5 minutes with no complaints. She has been rejecting every morning this last week. It's strange.
  • Maybe you sleep on that side and it affects the flow of the milk or its not as full. Or... Maybe it doesn't flow as fast.
  • @YNVTish; I really am starting to think it may be position and comfort. Who knows, I'm boggled! You may be on to something.
  • Yeah, maybe she likes to lay on a certain side. I'm like that & so is my hubby. It's weird that it's mostly in the mornings though lol.
  • From what I hear, most babies have a boobie preference :) There are tonnnss of reasons! Just try to keep offering it!
  • My son hated my left boob...refused to eat off it. I struggled for months until I finally gave up and only nursed off my right...I was extremely lopsided for a year lol
  • @Wilsomom; that's what I don't understand, lol.

    @captivated; she got a late start to her acquired preference. Lil stinker!

    @redhead25, @kristaf22; how awful! I'm a 36H and can't imagine how obvious that would be.
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