Just got my breast pump and have a few bf questions!!

edited September 2012 in Breastfeeding
So I was not sure whether or not I was going to bf or not. I have decided to at least try. I do not plan to exclusively bf. I want to bf and feed her with pumped milk through a bottle as well. I just got my pump today and have some questions!! I know at the beginning I want to establish a supply before giving baby a bottle. But here are my questions..

Do I pump after every feeding?

When I store the milk should I put it in milk storage bags and freeze it or just refrigerate?

When I want to heat it back up how do I do that microwave?

Do I wash the pump and bottles with regular soap and water or do I have to sterilize them?

I have no clue what I am doing lol.


  • edited September 2012
    When I started out pumping. I did it when my breasts were hard/sore. Now I usually do it after I feed him before bed. And in the morning before I go to work. And then on my break if needed. I work in a day care so I'm able to feed him during the day.
    The pumped milk has to be froze within 24 hrs. And then can be frozen for 3 months in a fridge freezer or 6 months + in a deep freezer.
    They have dish soap for baby bottles and thats what I use
  • Oh to thaw it, I heat up a glass of water in the microwave and then put the bag in the water. Never microwave a bottle! I do the same when giving him a bottle. If needed just heat the water again. Not the milk! Hope I helped.
  • @LeviLuv8 Thank you! So you bf and use bottles?
  • To warm it up, just let it sit under running hot water.

    If you start pumping from the get go, you're going to make lots!

    Put it inn milk storage bags, let the freeze flat, then stand them up our stack them together. Remember FIFO, first in first out.

    I think @captivated pumped and stored a lot??? Not sure! Sorry. Lol
  • Yes I have lots. Right now I'm using milk from july 20s. If you start you still gain supply.
    @caroline8_p I didn't freeze mine flat. But I think I'm going to now. Lol
  • @caroline8_p Thanks. That is a good idea to freeze them flat. I wouldn't have thought about that.

    @LeviLuv8 Baby did good going from boob to bottle? What brand bottle do you use?

  • Do I pump after every feeding?
    Yes! You will build a great supply by doing that!

    When I store the milk should I put it in milk storage bags and freeze it or just refrigerate?
    I recommend bags. The lansinoh ones are the best, IMO. The medela ones always leaked. I always froze my milk. I'd seal the bag and lay it flat in the freezer.

    When I want to heat it back up how do I do that microwave?
    You should never microwave BM. Heat up a bowl of water and drop the bag in. This was the best way in my opinion. I'd heat a bowl of water or boil it. Don't forget that once you thaw BM, you cannot re-freeze it.

    Do I wash the pump and bottles with regular soap and water or do I have to sterilize them?
    I sterilized with first use only. Sterilizing more than that is unnecessary.


    Try not to introduce bottle for a few weeks. Also, you may end up exclusively BFing...because it is much easier. Trying to pump, feed, pump ends up taking soooo much time out of your day!
  • You're welcome ladies :)

    Also I used the Dr. Browns bottles. Malia had no problem, but I never fed her bottles, just at grandma's.
  • @captivated Thanks. How do I sterilize everything? My mom said she use to boil our bottles? Or can I dishwash it? Also another random question if I have a beer or something how long do you wait to bf? Do you have to pump and dump? Its all this little stuff I never really thought about. I wasn't a bf baby so my mom doesn't have the answers lol.

    @caroline8_p I got tommee tippee bottles. I hope she takes to them good. We'll see I guess lol.
  • For sterilizing, boil a pot of water, put items in for 5 minutes. Use tongs to remove and air dry.

    A beer, just wait an hour. Pump and dump if you are feeling unsure. Once its out of your blood, its out of your milk. Plus BRU sells test strips for that. Its like 16 bucks.
  • @rjr33. I can't believe you are having you baby soon....it seems like yesterday you were trying to get pregnant! Where has the time gone! LOL. Congrats
  • I would get a few different bottles just in case she doesn't take those ones.
  • @KylieMommie I know right!! I have been through so much to get to get this point. It has gone by pretty fast until now it's definitely slowing down just waiting for her lol.

    @MorgDeeBee I hope she likes them. We only got one kind. I guess I will be bottle shopping if she doesn't.

    @caroline8_p should i sterilize them now or wait until I am about to use them? I'll probably buy the strips if I ever have a beer. I just know I am gonna be a paranoid first mommy.
  • I don't think it really matters when? I did it before I used them, but I didn't use them till she was 3-4 months. Hell, I didn't even buy them till then, lol.
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  • I used avent. I planned to wait the 4 weeks like recommended. But I did a little over 3 so hubby could feed him
  • Idk if it was mentioned but Kellymom.com and DrSears.com have great info on storing and pumping.
  • Also I recommend putting how many ounces you pumped on the bag when you put the date on them, when placing them in the freezer it'll make it easier to figure out how many oz are in it after laying it flat to freeze.

    We warm the bottle up in hot water using the sink.

    We use regular soap and water to clean. I usually sterilize once a month. Munckin sells microwavable bags for sterilizing. I put my pump pieces and tubing in it and dry. I boil the nipples and pacifiers at the same time.
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