I feel really horrible

When my period was only 1 day late i was in here worrying and praying i wasn't pregnant, while another member was finding out she wasn't gonna have the baby she worked and prayed so hard for. There's others wgohave had recent losses or have been trying forever to conceive. Am i really that selfish that i really wanted that badly to not be pregnant? Im actually at the point of tears because i was dead set in my mind that if i was pregnant i was terminating. Ive always been pro life personally. I feel like somehow mentally ive been changed and i hate it. Now i feel as if im rambling in all directions. Could i really be that selfish and ungrateful that if faced with another pregnancy that i would not welcome it?


  • I would shit if I got pregnant right now lol so you're not alone. I would keep it though..
  • You are not an awful person, it is just scary when you are not prepared or even ready for another one! I personally don't think that you would get an abortion though, I think alot of things were just running through your mind :) just my opinion though lol
  • @starrxoxo9

    Thanks ladies for not bashing me
  • Oh hell no. I feel the same way as you. It doesn't matter what others are trying and can or cannot do. We are not all the same :)
  • @Steph_Due_101611 ... Girl you're fine! You have the right to BE YOU on here. I think a good handful of us feel like you. I'm sure those trying can respect that your life path is different then theirs.

    Hell I'd be all up in Planned Parenthood too. RMAO! I'd be calling (((Shot Gun))) for the first bed available! LOL
  • After I had my son I swore up and down if I ever found out I was pregnant I would terminate. I was always 110% certain I would NEVER have another baby. After I found out I was pregnant with my daughter I considered it (seriously - like looking up locations and costs ect.) But hubby (at time bf) and I discussed it and decided to keep her. (Obviously)

    What I am saying is that you can think something all you want but I don't feel you compromised your beliefs because you don't know [honestly] what you would do if you really were pregnant.

    Lol! if what you think about was what always happens I should be behind bars for how many times I thought about just smacking the sh** out of people.... Not to mention how many banks I've "robbed" in my head.
  • @ynvtish what is rmao?? Lol
  • @starrxoxo9 .... RMAO (Rolling my ass off)

    It's like LOL (laughing out loud) X's 2

  • Oh lol I know lmao I just didn't know what the R was :P @ynvtish
  • @starrxoxo9 .... Oh yeah oops forgot about that one. LOL

    Don't you just hate when people use abbreviations and you have no clue what they are. Now their using that darn # symbol and cramming all of the words together.

  • I know exactly what you're saying, and im right with you. I already have 5 girls, and I would honestly be crushed if we got pregnant again. Idk what I would do
  • I have 2 kids as does my partner... if we got pregnant we would have to terminate as horrible as that is we couldn't handle more.
  • Both my pregnancies were extremely had on my body. I had to quit my jib this last pregnancy. Well after a year almost of no job i just got hired back last week. My life is so busy and stressful. Mentally i couldnt handle it. Maybe in 3-4yrs. I want my kids evenly spaced. I can have 5-6 kids when im done, but i cant handle the 2 under 2 stuff and i guve mad props to the ones who can.
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