baby number 2!!!

edited September 2012 in Pregnant
Af was due tomorrow which is also my hubbys birthday, I decided to test this afternoon and it was BFP!!! It's not the greatest timing but hey we will make due!

According to a due date calculator I should be due May 10 which just happens to be EXACTLY one week before my daughter turns 2!


  • Omgggg congratttss
  • @salasmommy @newmomma13 @bexiewexie thanks ladies!!!!

    One of my best friends has been trying for like 6-7 months and we had one month off bc and I was actually going to go back on it tomorrow so I'm trying to decide if I should tell her or not.
  • @bexiwexie she had made a comment before about how she would be really upset and wouldn't want to know, but I know they are going to have a going away party for us and I don't want to lie as to why I'm not drinking.

    My husband is going.golfing with her husband tomorrow and said he would probably tell him and I told him he could NOT tell him till we tell her.
  • Congrats!!!!
  • Yes. It should be you that tells her.:) congrats!
  • @misskristin thank you!!! @mrs4c I will, I think her husband is coming over for dinner tomorrow not sure if she is, but he is gonna wonder why I'm not drinking since its my husbands birthday.
  • Congrats!! Tell her, its not like its your fault they haven't gotten a bfp yet. I know it may be hard in the beginning but in the end she will be happy for you.
  • They shouldn't get mad! If they were trying got more then 1 and a half years then if it were me I would be upset. Jealous not mad tho. I had 2 miscarriages last year my sil had tried for 5 years and they ended up doing invitro and now I have 9 month twin nieces and a3 month old son. I'm glad it happened the way it did because I would have felt bad. It took us a year to get preg.
  • I wouldn't say what trixiesmom just said by saying "its not my fault you haven't" cuz I know if it were me you said that to I wouldn't talk to you for awhile. It sounds really harsh. Even if it is meant that way
  • Oh I didn't mean it as tell her that! That came out all wrong. I meant you should tell her, she will be upset you are but she will be happy in the end. It's not your fault she hasn't gotten a bfp yet. I hope that made better sense
    @leviluv8 thanks for pointing that out.
  • @trixiesmom8 I knew that's not how you meant it! @leviluv8 I'm gonna tell her just don't know when.
  • Lol ok good. After I reread what I posted it sounded horrible! Lol I guess I should proof read before I post.
  • Thats awesome congradulations
  • @trixiesmom8 no i understood completely I just told me sister and they have been trying to have another for years and I was telling her how I was worried to tell her cuz I didn't wanna hurt her feelings, and she said it wasn' she was broken. I just don't like hurting peoples feelings or making them upset lol.
  • Awe well I'm glad you got it. That's great your sister took it well and she is happy for you.
  • If she gets upset with you, then it is she that is selfish, not you. We all have a chosen path for our lives and shouldn't place blame or hate upon others.

    Congrats, btw!
  • @mijita you always know what to say!
  • Same thing happened with me & my mommy-BFF (she had been trying for 1.5 years, we tried for a month). I wondered whether I should tell her. I trusted in our friendship and her maturity enough to tell her. Long story short, she was nothing but happy for us...and she got her bfp 14 weeks later! (I think pregnancy is contagious...despite all scientific evidence to the contrary.)

    Oh, and Congrats!!!
  • oh yes! I agree with math_mommy being prego is contagious..last year we kept calling it an apedmic(sp) because at work I got prego first, then another girl was due 6 days after me, and then another was a month later. We all said no one was allowed to get prego this year cause none of us wanted another baby yet lol.
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