Olivia's birth story

edited September 2012 in Birth Stories
Since I didn't do this with my first...I'm going to do it with my second! :)

After last week finding out that we were going to get hit with a hurricane..I started doing everything that I could possibly do, in case it did hit us. I stocked up on everything, cleaned the house like crazy, did loads of laundry every day for that
just in case" moment. Sunday night my son started to get a fever, and that's when the outer bands of the storm hit here. I started having tons of pressure and was hurting really bad. At 3am we left the house to go get some medication for him, but half way there the transmission started to go out of the vehicle. After 30 mins of sitting by the road, and 2 things of transmission fluid later it started to catch and we didn't get very far. Had to call my bf's cousin to come get me so I could go to CVS. As soon as I was getting in the car, a really sharp pain came through my lower half, and I could no longer lift my legs up very high...i continued to have pains the rest of the night. Monday came and I was still having really crazy pains, and every time I'd go pee I'd get tons of my mucus plug...didn't think anything of it. Tuesday morning around 2am I woke up to what I thought was just some really crazy painful Braxton Hicks contractions. I started timing them..they were about 30mins apart. I started packing my bag, and made myself some red raspberry leaf tea. They started getting stronger and coming closer together so I knew I was in early labor then. Around 7am I started cleaning my sons stuff so when I did go to the hospital his cups and stuff would be clean. Around 8am my water broke. I though I peed on myself, but realized I had just went to pee, and was kinda confused because it was only enough to soak a panty liner and the back of my undies a little. I got in the shower the shave my legs..the contractions were coming on so strong then that I almost fell down& in the shower...so I only got to shave one half of my leg LOL I ended up telling my bf's cousin that I needed to go to the hospital right away...and that I couldn't wait for my mom to get here to take me. They were coming on every 2 mins and lasting at least 1min and 30 seconds. I was in intense PAIN! Got to the ER, had to wait..I was screaming in the waiting room so they went ahead and took me up to L&D..guess I was freaking the other ppl out! I was 6-7 cm when I was admitted..and completely effaced. Was taken to my room where all I did was scream because I no longer had the cushion of my waters. I literally begged the nurses for the epidural after I told them I didn't want it. I was so far that I thought I could do it...I was wrong. I tried the breathing techniques...no go for me! I finally got the epi. I slept the rest of the time up until she came to check me. I was 10cm a little before 4pm. I pushed for less than 15mins!

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Olivia Alexandra was born 4/28/2012 @ 4:08pm weighing 9lbs 3oz & 21.6 inches!

I ended needing lots of stitches. She broke a lot of blood vessels on the way out, and i bled out a few pints. almost needed blood if i would of kept bleeding. After 6hrs of laying in the delivery room after i had her so they could keep an eye on me, i was finally aloud to go up to my room!

Our 14 month old came to stay with us Wednesday night...he was really jealous, and cried when i would hold her. Now i cant keep them apart! He's constantly saying "baby baby!" and petting her. He even kisses her on the nose. So cute. :)

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