attached to her swing and carseat

edited September 2012 in Sleep
When she was little we use to stick her in her swing for naps instead of her crib, well I'm regretting that now because she will be 10 months old and sleeping horribly in her crib even at night time. She needs to fall asleep in her carseat and then we move her to her crib and then she wakes up 2 hours later and we start all over. I'm tired! I need sleep! Any suggestions on how to get her back to sleeping well in her crib? Or a way to get her to take naps in it? I am up for anything.

@lilliansmom I think you have mentioned the similar problem at nap time.


  • We have a baby Einstein crib soother that we use to get her to to sleep. I put her in her bed with her nuk and blanket and she is usually sleeping in 5 minutes.
  • Its hard I am trying to break mine of nursing to sleep. I wish I would have listened to the doctor when they said stop b4 six months. Nught nursing but no I thought I would just deal with it when I was ready.
  • I am still having a similar problem! She sleeps fine at night though but she still sleeps in her swing for all her naps and she is 10 months old this week and looks ridiculous in her swing Haha I have already decided that the swing is disappearing my next weekend off from work and we both are quitting the swing cold turkey! I'll keep you posted on how it goes
  • edited September 2012
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  • I have a projector that was working for s little while but now she gets too excited when it turns on and becomes really awake and stands up to push the buttons to change the sounds its making
  • Ha my son stands up to watch the ceiling. I just started putting him to bed earlier and fighting with him till he goes to sleep. It can take 5 minutes to an hour and a half but i don't give in and let him play. The last few days he has went to sleep fairly easy.
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  • Haha @gatorbob I will have to try taking it off the crib then I don't know why I didn't think of that! But what you just described is exactly what she does when I turn it on Haha
  • What does work to keep.her asleep at night is I put a box fan in her room and I think the noise is soothing to her but I still have to rock.her to sleep she doesn't fall asleep on her own which I think is all linked to her still napping in the swing and needing the motion to fall asleep. @trixiesmom8
  • Oh my baby will barely sleep in her bed so im no help but heres a bump...
  • We have the fish tank soother and it worked for a while but I usually nurse her to sleep, but its the transition to the crib when I lay her down is when I have the problem. Plus she has learned to turn hers on and off @bertrang14
    @char I nurse her to sleep too! Then when I go to put her in her crib she wakes up and refuses to lay back down. We didnt always do it, so I figured it would only last for a month or so but it has stuck.
    @lilliansmom I think she has gotten so use to sleeping in her swing at naptime that when we lay her down in her crib she is wide awake. She looks silly in hers too. I keep thinking to myself, what am I going to do when she gets too big for this thing lol. Good luck with stopping the swing cold turkey, we may have to too just because idk what else to do, but yes please let me know how it goes. Also I am wondering if its too quiet at night for her, since during the day we play hee swing music so it drowns out everything during the day.
    @gatorbob maybe we will use her soother more and hopefully that works, or some kind of music thing.
    @aishamusa thanks your lo is still little so you have a while to go till your in my situation lol.
    @kristaf22 honestly I thought about putting it in there, but I know she won't lay still if I take her out and start to lay her flat.

    @everyone I'm also wondering if she likes the comfort of being snug, like being strapped in rather than laying flat and roomy. If that makes sense.
  • My 11 month old still likes to be swaddled up to go to sleep, trying swaddling maybe? If she likes to be snug, i do it with a blanket so she can get out if wanted.
  • My daughter slept in her swing until she was around 4-5 months. We even took it with us to a waterpark because we were staying overnight in a hotel. I guess we got lucky because the swing ended up breaking little by little. First the lights quit working, next the music and the swinging part itself finally stopped. Apparently sitting there was not as exciting for her anymore because she stopped needing it to sleep. She does sleep with a stuffed animal. She holds onto it for comfort purposes. Sometimes she will use a paci as well. Good luck. I hope you find something that works for you.
  • I guess I never thought about swaddling her @kimberly4411 maybe I will try that.

    @scott_jessica1stbaby oh I hope ours doesn't break..but if it did, guess it would be easier to get rid of lol.
  • Lol yeah true
  • So we are playing soft music in her room tonight...after today I'm hoping it helps. We live in an apt and they were laying new carpet upstairs today, which happened to be during her nap and she didn't wake up at all. Hubby said they were banging so hard it was shaking the pictures on the wall. So since she slept through that then hopefully the music will help tonight...wish us luck!
  • Good luck! I have tomorrow off so I'm making it a crib nap day! Hopefully it works! I hope our LOs get the hang of only sleeping in their cribs soon!
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  • @lilliansmom good luck!! She slept awful last night, idk what her deal was, maybe teething? She was up every hour and a half. Finally at 5:30 I gave in and put her in her swing..I know bad mommy but we all needed sleep.
    @gatorbob thanks!!

    @everyone the music didn't work. She slept awful last night and was up every hour and a half. Idk if it wasn't loud enough or what I'll be playing with that today. Hopefully tonight is better.
  • @trixiesmom8 So the first nap of the day she had in her crib but took over an hour to get her to stay asleep in the crib but after an hour of stuggle she slept for an hour in her crib! unfortunately her other nap was in the car today because i had things i had to do since my next day off isnt until next thursday, but hopefully my husband and MIL who watch her during the day have as much will power to not give into the swing but we will see!

    I hope tonight goes better for you so you both get more sleep! I know that people say not to but I rock Lily to sleep every night and she sleeps from 8/9p to 530a gets a bottle and if im still home i rock her and put her back in her crib or my husband puts her in her swing for 2 more hours of sleep. Its hard because I work 6a and my husband gets home from work at 3a so he is too tired to try. But just keep at it! what worked best for Lily was routine...I do the same thing every night (bath, quiet naked playtime, dress, read, bottle while rocking and then when she is asleep paci and crib) She also needs her blanket to snuggle with and her fan was the major key that i found that keeps her asleep all night! So I hope you find what works for you soon!

    Wow I just realized I went on and on there sorry....
  • @lilliansmom lol its fine, I like knowing what other people do then I take into consideration what will work for us. That's great she slept in her crib. It took me forever to get her to nap at all today, I tried the swing, the crib, and finally she ended up in her carseat. She slept for 2hrs in it..I was afraid to move her lol. We do a routine every night too: bath, bedtime lotion, dress, quiet play time and then a book, then she nurses to sleep. I tried giving her a blanket or stuffed animal and she didn't want anything to do with them, she will take a pacifier sometimes. I wish she would get attached to something lol. We tried lullaby(sp) music while sleeping last night and she kept waking up so ended up turning it off cause I felt it was doing more harm then good. Hopefully last night was just a bad night and tonight goes better.
  • I hope tonight is better for you too! I think she is attached to something though...her swing! Haha I hope you find a solution soon I know its hard. the nap thing is what kills me right now but its one step at a time! It can't last forever is all I keep telling myself it got me through the not sleeping at night thing and it will get me through the napping only in swing and carseat thing!
  • @lilliansmom she got up at 5am to eat and then I put her in her swing and she slept for another 3 and a half hours. Yepp I agree, it'll pass. I guess if it works why break it? Lol I'll just deal with it when the time comes of her being to big for those things and we will find a new thing to stick to.
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