I need a cheap highchair

I cant take feeding my 1 year old without one anymore, she runs all over the place and doesnt sit still, i end up frustrated everytime i feed her, my oldest had one since she was a baby but i gave it away before i got pregnant to someone who needed it, now im in need of one.. any one knows where i can find a cheap high chair?? any advice will be highly appreciated.


  • Well u can look at Walmart my dad got us one that's good but was great price. And they have once that are just seats that u can attach to your chair. And like I know around here we have a consignment store. And if u don't have any money if I was you I would bring my car seat into the house or if u have an extra one lol it would work until u can save up some money or possibly get a hold of a friend who doesn't need one anymore. And u can put it on your Facebook. I'm sure one of your girlfriend have one :)
  • Craigslist! There's always cheap baby stuff on there, you can even check the free section for one.
  • I got mine for like 25 at walmart brand new! It's the costco portable or fold up ones (something like that) and they are great!
  • http://miami.craigslist.org/brw/bab/3244329624.html

    Here's one for $15 that's really nice, and close by!
  • I got a chair from walmart that hooks onto the chair it was like $19. I happened to catch it on sale.

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  • Since is late im back on my phone so is hard to tag you ladies, but I responded to the craigslist add, so im waiting for them to answer, but if that doesnt work ill try Costco and waltmart.
  • I like mine. It colapses. It was 43 but it has pooh on it. Theres a plaid one thats the same thing for 33. @ Walmart
  • Try a consignment shop. I picked mine up for 15 its basically brand new. Tray pops off so u can wash it. It also collapse
  • I have one that buckles to the chair like tootie08 posted a pic of. I love it because it can be a booster chair also for when they are bigger. I think it was like $25 at Walmart.
  • Idk if they are every where but we have a place here called once upon a child.. its kind of like a salvation army but in better condition. They sell baby stuff/clothes for cheap.
  • @trixiesmom8 I LOVE Once Upon A Child!
  • Me too @fate I've gotten tons of her clothes there for really cheap. I haven't bought stuff there before tho.
  • Like toys and such
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