@Aubreysmommy you know what's weird her middle name was almost Lyn! My first name is Randilyn. So she was almost Aubrey Lyn! But I went with my middle name Jean cuz I liked the nickname AJ lol.
@mijita Its crazy to think that I wasn't even planning to breastfeed. Like I didn't know if I would be comfortable. I planned to try it and mainly pump and bottle feed. But omg the minute she latched on and we had that special bonding moment I couldn't imagine not breastfeeding! That picture is one of my favorites lol.
@mijita Its crazy to think that I wasn't even planning to breastfeed. Like I didn't know if I would be comfortable. I planned to try it and mainly pump and bottle feed. But omg the minute she latched on and we had that special bonding moment I couldn't imagine not breastfeeding! That picture is one of my favorites lol.