thinking of exclusively pumping

edited September 2012 in Breastfeeding
So I always said when trixie got to be 10 months old I would exclusively pump except for at bed time. She doesn't need to nurse to take naps. I guess my question is if I pump every 4 hours to feed her like I normally would nurse will it affect my supply? I mean I only get out 5-6oz on a good day when I pump. I have a freezer stash I can dip into obviously so I'm not concerned about not having enough. I was just hoping I could go the whole year without giving her formula. So can I make it the whole 2 months with just pumping?


  • How many times a day does she eat (that you would pump for instead?) And about how much per serving?

    "Ounces/feeding" x "number of feedings/day" =?

    "?" x 60 more days.
  • I exclusively pumped for 2.5 months it was not fun. I did it every 2 hours tho With a newborn by myself. I think it would be more manageable with an older baby.
  • I exclusively pump every 5-6 hours and still stash away about 20oz a day. My daughter is 9.5 months.
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  • @caroline8_p she nurses usually 4 times a day, that is including bedtime. Usually when we make a bottle its about 8oz otherwise I nurse her till she is full.
    @char yea, she only eats 4 times a day so if I pump right before she eats it won't be so bad. I think the hardest part will be in the mornings when she first wakes up.
    @crisjoe that gives me hope! Thank you!
    @homebirthadvocate I have tons of milk in the freezer, so I won't have to supplement I was just wondering. I already only pump 6oz during the day, first thing in the morning its between 8-9oz.

    How many ounces should she be getting a day?
  • Well u can start to just do it slowly and see if u notice a difference. I personally think everyone is different. Just substitute pump with a feeding then in Couple days do it two times and so on.
  • @jules I never thought of doing it like that. Thanks!! I will try that.
  • So I started pumping exclusively today and so far both times I've pumped I've gotten 7oz out...I had milk from yesterday thawed out from her cereal so I added an oz to make it 8oz this morning but only gave her the 7oz this afternoon. It's a pain the the butt to keep cleaning my pump pieces but well worth it, cause she hasn't been attached to me as much today.
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