is this a stage?

edited September 2012 in Ages & Stages
My daughter will b turning 1 on the 12th. She used to b a good eater... but ever since she got sick like 2 months ago she doesnt want to really eat she will have like a few spoons of food and she starts spitting it out... is this a stage? I dnt knw wat to do anymore she loves her bottles but i want her appetite to b like before.....wat advice can yous give me????...


  • What are you feeding her? Is it just baby jar food?
  • She's learning her pallet and will struggle with some foods, or does she do it with all foods? Better yet, what types of foods are you feeding her?
  • @ashley_smashley everything table food mostly. What used to b her favorite she doesnt like anymore she loved her alphabet soups and chicken and rice...
    @mijita she does that with everything i give her rice, soup, beans, chicken soup everything
  • Does she spit it out and then pick it up to look at it? Oliver does that sometimes when I give him something new...he is all about sampling and studying different textures.
  • Maybe the consistency/textures is what she's not liking. Try different textures. My LO does this from time to time and I give her baby food and she eats it up.
  • Also Oliver has been going thru waves of loving then hating food..
  • My daughter is pretty much doing the same thing.. except she'll eat the stuff that I would like limited (chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, etc) and not touch her vegetables. I hope its just a phase!
  • My 10 month old has never had a big appetite. She really only has 1 decent meal a day and then just snacks but loves her bottles. I just keep offering her whatever I can think of that is in the fridge that she can handle, eventually she will come around
  • Well i im considering starting those.pediasure shakes what do yous think or advise me??
  • @jen91811; how old is your LO?
  • my son did exactly the same! i went through months of him only eatin yogurts and spag bol blended up then one day he just got his apetite bck! theres not much he wont eat now and hes 15 montgs old on the 18th
  • She is going great 1 yr old on wednesday .. im going to ask her dr on friday since i have to take her in for her one yr check up
  • edited September 2012
    Generally speaking many physicians don't like to supplement infants younger than two unless they are diagnosed FTT. Please ask her doctor as infant body mass is susceptible to toxicity from supplementation, especially if they are receiving nutrition from other sources. Make sure to express your concern to her physician and to have an idea of what her eating habits are like.

    At her age, she doesn't need much, so feeding foods that are rich in calories, fat and protein (power foods) go a long way. Avoid overly processed, refined foods as they are deficient in nutrients. However, after stern attempts with power foods any nutrition is better than none.
  • Power foods include; avocado, eggs, cheese, greek yogurt, oatmeal, cottage cheese, peanut butter, lean meats etc.
  • Thanks earlier she ate a lil n i bathed ger n shes napping now thanks girl hopefully sjmhe eats again later
  • My son is like that and has been since he started food. He is now 2.5 yrs old and I started carnation breakfast essentials in his milk. I tried pediasure with my daughter who also didn't eat and she hated them:( my son is 27lbs and 36.5 inches tall. He is 6% body fat so a nutritionist adv to give him something like the carnation (I told her how my daughter didn't like the pedisure). He loves it and I feel better knowing he is getting something. There are days he won't eat anything.
  • @sehra4177 yea i knw what u mean i bad when she.doesnt want a thing all day.. im going to mention the pediasure to her.dr to see if.he recommends it.or.some.vitamins or.something
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