I Don't Get These People...

I will go ahead and apologize in advance to any that I offend, but I wouldn't be me if I didn't offend SOMEONE ;)

I really, really fail to understand women who plan more children while receiving government assistance. If you are on food stamps, welfare, section 8, etc and continue to plan more children and have them....WHY. Why do these women think it is okay to expand their families on everyone (MINE) else's dime? In my opinion, if you have to receive assistance, you are in no place to continue to plan more children. Have all the children you want, just be financially stable to do so!

This does not apply to the "oopsie" babies and those who really just have accidents. Hell, I receive assistance, but I would NEVER plan more children if I am receiving it. It makes no sense to me. At all.


  • I'm not on any kind of assistance but it makes me made I applied when I lost my job and it was only my daughter and I. I had rent car payment all and I didn't qualify! Wtf it made me mad I saw ladies with lots of kids they looked all druged up, they have ssd and ssi but yet have lots of kids. They don't try to look for jobs really wtf is wrong do I have to be a crack head or a horrible mom that gets social services called on to get help ugh so! So I can't get help thank god I made it I'm so blessed:)))) I under stand like you said those who deserve it I have no problem but some ppl just ugh yeah!
  • In our country u live better on assistance than u do working ur ass off. Just my opinion tho from what it appears. And I totally agree w u. I'm glad assistance is there for people (that actually need It) but yes... be stable b4 u PLAN more kids because ur just cheating ur kids out.
  • We receive assistance, but my hubby works 3 jobs & I help him with his businesses. We both work at least 60 hours a week (each) or more. I figure since we qualify we should use it. It would be different though if we weren't working our asses off and were just having babies to get assistance. We never got help until he had a dibilitating injury 11 years ago & we lost everything....our home, vehicles, our good credit. It was horrible & nothing will ever be the same. It makes me so sad to watch my husband work so hard & be in pain every day yet never get ahead because of the debt and mess from just not being able to work for one year. He was told he'd be in a wheelchair the rest of his life. Thank God he got well enough to start running a small business...he couldn't do the work himself yet or get a regular job, but was able to manage others to work for him. It made less money than doing the work himself, but it was a start. Now he's finally able to work a regular job, run the original small business & a side business that grew from it. He could have easily gave up & gotten disability, but he didn't. Idk why I'm telling you all this, lol. But I guess just to say some people on assistance having babies aren't just using the system for no reason so to speak. We want to expand our family, yes. We qualify for assistance, yes. We work our asses off, yes. But, maybe we are the exception, idk. Lol I just can't imagine not having my family because my husband went through hell & back.

    And no offense or anything lol, I just think each case is unique, although I totally agree most cases aren't like ours.
  • @mommyof3girls- I totally agree w you! My hubby and I work our asses off but somehow we always end up owing the IRS when we do our taxes!
  • @juliansmommy - omg, our taxes are out of this world! (Yet we still qualify for help....go figure)
  • @wilsomom, wow! Major kudos to you guys! That is amazing! I was speaking of the ones that make a "living" from it so-to-speak.
  • Thanks, I was hoping you wouldn't get upset, but I wanted to say something since I just started a thread about needing to move & being on section 8! Lol My hubby is also a veteran so he gets all his medical care from them instead of using the medical card that he qualifies for. I don't think he's used it once.
  • edited September 2012
    I don't think most go into the act of living on welfare to make a ”habit” of it, but rather get lazy in the process and become accustom to being provided for. I believe a cap was made in cash assistance and do believe that some have more children to cushion that timeline gap. Wonder what will happen to all these individuals when the time comes for retirement. A sad thought, if you ask me.
  • In nation parks you see signs that say dont feed the animals. This is because they will begin to relay on it. Yet people can live there entire life on handouts. Seems easy just use that same theory on humans.
  • ^^^ I saw that on facebook lol
  • I also am talking about this people that LIVE on this forever not the people who use it the way it was suppose to be used.
  • My husband is military meaning we move all the time and Ive had no issues finding a job.
  • edited September 2012
    @mijita I agree, and the system makes it so easy for that to happen. It's like you get punished for making more money....so most people just don't even try.
  • Also I have a "friend" who on facebook posted damn its the 1st and I lost my food stamp card. Btw she has 2 kids. She does have a job and lives with the 2nd childs father. He has a great job but somehow she is getting help and even when qs were asked on the post she only replys uhhh ya.
  • @kristaf22 its sad that they would rather get a hand out than try. My own father is one of them. He lost his job 5 yrs before his retirement could "start" so instead of getting a job he lives on unemployment until it kicks in.
  • I can't believe I'm about to have my second baby (I have a 13 month old!) right now we are not on any assistance but after I have her I'm going to apply for food stamps, health ins and wic.
    Oh and my first baby I always wanted a baby but thought I couldn't get pregnant after years of trying then second one was MAJOR surprise hubby and I are definitely going to be more careful now although I'm not sure how because I don't want to take birth control and he doesn't want to use condoms...I guess we will figure it out
  • @kristaf22 yes mostly that is true. We are currently at a tiny base for training and its hard to find jobs but not impossible.
  • @kristaf22 he was cute when he was the squarrel lol. Now its like damn run and throw you pb n j at them.
  • @kindell Yes! It's crazy...you can get assistance if you live with someone who's well off as long as you say you buy and fix seperate meals! I don't understand that.

    @kristaf22 We get peoplewho want to work for us under the table all the time...so they can keep their unemployment...bugs me to no end!!
  • @wilsomom i hope you dont do it.
  • @2600wifey You could try natural family planning maybe. Lol
  • @kindell Heck no!! ...wait do what? The unemployment thing....NO! lol I can't stand that.
  • @Wilsomom yea that's what we were going to do the first time but since I was breast feeding I never got my period and stupid me thought I was safe.
  • edited September 2012
    I also agree my husband makes too much supposedly -___- yet these bitches go to the food stamp office with iphones coach bags and have a ring in every finger and their nails done...uhhh no if u can fucking afford your feet n nails done u dont need fucking fs or welfare or housing or anything for that matter -___- smh. Then they keep having and having more kids just to be lazy. Ughhh sorry to vent but when we were really in need they didnt help us but they helped the idiots out there that r lazyy.
  • Well we don't do the seperate meals thing either cause we're married & don't live with no one else... human services told my daughter she could get food stamps if her boyfriend wasn't in her assistance group and they did seperate meals. She didn't do it though because it wasn't very much anyways and she didn't want to lie or risk getting in trouble over it.
  • @salasmommy yep. Nails done hair done everything did. . Yet using food stamps. Uhhh?
  • @wilsomom ya seperate meals who does that. Im sure she lies and says she doesnt live there or something.
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