help! feever question.

edited September 2012 in Health
My son has had a Gerber all day of 103/102. I know that's not too, too high. But uv given him Advil twice today and it hasn't gone down. Idk if I should go to the er.


  • I would call a Dr.just to get.some advice. Make.sure baby is stripped down to vest and drinking plenty of fluids. I give mine calpol, I think you guys call it Tylenol, do they have a baby version of it there? X
  • That is a high fever. Wipe him down with water keep him in his diaper and keep a cold rag on his forehead and around his neck if it don't go down take him in.
  • No need to take him in. Rotate Tylenol and Motrin every four hours and call for an appt asap om Monday if it is still there.
  • Well, we finally went back to bed at 5am. It was still there. Then woke up at 730, but went back to bed till 930. And he doesbt feel warm right now. I'll see how he feels after his afternoon nap.
  • Rule of thumb is to always attempt to rotate the motrin and tylenol for a while before taking in to ER or doc. Sometimes just one isn't enough :) Glad he isn't feverish right now!!
  • That's not bad at all. Just go back and worth Tylenol then 2 hrs, later so Motrin. And u have to stay on top of it otherwise it will come back. Does he gave runny nose or any other symptoms.
  • I bought him Motrin today, and gave him a dose this after noon. He was feeverless during the day. But wouldn't eat.. he drank alot of fluids tho.

    & nothing other than the eating.
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