Need some help. *Partial update/vent*

edited September 2012 in Health
So this is about my brother. A while ago he had a massive toothache, to the point he didnt eat for about a week and hasnt slept much. A couple days ago he decided he was going to try knocking himself out by punching himself in the head. He lives with my mom and she said he was hitting himself really hard quite a few times. Now, for the past few days, he hasnt been acting like himself. He been in and out of being delusional(sp). Hes been talking weird. Sending my mom weird text messages. Alf the time he apparently doesnt actually know where hes at. He thinks he at the most randome places. He tells my mom hes afraid he going to disappear. He says hes scared and doesnt know whats wrong. Im actually kinda worried. I told my mom he should go to er. I guess he asked my mom if someone was posioning his food.
Does anyone have any insight? I wish i knew more about medical. its kinda like he tripin on drugs. But he has no money and hasnt been anywhere. Please help anyone?


  • Umm, I would have already taken him to the ER...

    And yes, it does sound like he is doing some kind of drugs.
  • Ya, me too. But im the only vehical and i been working. And he hasnt been doing anything. @captivated
  • edited September 2012
    Do you know how hard he hit himself? It's possible that he hit himself hard enough to cause a small bleed, which in turn is causing temporary psychosis. Since this is out of the normal for him, I'd definitely be concerned. He needed to be taken in to be examined.
  • Yeah I figured, just sounded like it! He definitely needs to be seen.
  • Why was he knocking himself out?!
  • @mijita im not sure how hard. My mom says pretty hard. (as hard as he could)
    @captivated im not sure. I think cuz he was in so much pain.
  • @mijita it was hard enough to make him bleed. I guess he was punching around the temples (on both sides). I told my mom he needs to be seen.
  • Call him an ambulance asap!!
  • Oh I'm glad you told her!
  • I would for sure take him to the ER asap. If you can't take him, I would call an ambulance. He could have done some real damage, and there could be swelling or bleeding. Hope he is ok.
  • We at er now. They going to run bunch of tests.
  • *update* well ct was normal. They going to just chop it up to dehydration and lack of sleep.

    *this part is venting* i swear im going to stop helping my brother. It seems like every time he is with us, he yelling and complaining about something/everything. I take him to hospital and by the time he gets discharged hes yelling about everything. From not being able to get scripts filled (owes hospital money) to sitting there for pretty much nothing. Also my kids were playing in backseat and broke open laundry soap. Its all over the floor back there and everything on the floor. But his back pack got the soap on it. And he throws another fit. I swear. I am so dam sick of of his crap. Litterly every single time i see him, hes yelling about everything.
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