Don't know what to do.....

edited September 2012 in Health
My son is 11 months.... 4 teeth on top, 3 on bottom.... The past two nights all he does is cry, no matter what you do..... We've given him Tylenol, gas drops and put oragel on his gums but nothing seems to work, his eating has varied and he barely takes any milk.... Idk what else to do or what could be going on..... Any input? Btw he's pretty much normal thru out the daytime.


  • Chanomile tea! We have tried everything with Riley for his teeth (if indeed that is the problem) and I saw someone on here mention this and it has worked great to settle him last night (nights were terrible, nothing seemed to help him). I got 100% chamomile tea and ended up mixing it with a little milk as he wouldnt drink it straight
  • Wet a wash cloth and freeze it, should ease the pain and keep him occupied. Good luck hun.
  • Gripe water is supposed to work.
  • Could be ear infection??... Lots of time the pressure of laying down is what really hurts doc always said if they seem okay during the day but seem in pain at night this is the first thing to consider....hope peanut feels.better soon!!
  • I use chamomile tea! It helps to calm him for bed and most nights he will sleep 730pm-6am
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