My son is biting!

How can i get him to stop? He is 10 Months old and bit a little girl twice at my mothers group! It was like aggressive too. I couldnt believe it when he did it, she wasnt doing anything to him other then maybe looking at him. The only thing i could think of is that he was playing with a baby doll that had pink on i thought he was kissing it and stuff but he was most likely biting it and throwing it on the ground Anyways that little girl had on pink to. But she was so sfcared of Emilio that she wouldnt get back down to play again and would cry if he looked at her. I deff dont want this happening again but i dont know what to do?


  • My 10 month old bites but isn't mean about it or mad when he does it. It still hurts so I firmly tell him no when he bites.
  • Our daughter was biting so badly it looked like our son was being beaten. The day she drew blood, daddy bit her back- hasn't bitten since! Not for everyone, but it was pretty much a last ditch effort that worked because nothing else was. Lol
  • My daughter went through a biting phase too but it wasnt in a mean way , she would just get so excited laughing that she'd bite who ever she was playing with, so one day i bit her back (not hard) but she realized that it didnt feel good and stopped biting!
  • my son bites too but only us his parents! he bites our toes usually and laughs and even when i bite him back he just laughs at me!!
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