title 19

Okay I have health insurance I'm still on my parents and can be until I'm 26 and as far as I knew it covered pregnancy ..well I assumed because my sister is on there and is pregnant.. I was wrong my insurance does not cover it I honestly can't afford anymore than what I pay ... And to get a new insurance they want you to carry the plan for so long before you can use it.. I hope this make sense..anyway I applied for title 19 ..medicaid whatever they call it.. I'm scared we make to much to qualify but if I get denied I'm pretty much screwed. Its frustrating that my sister who doesn't work can get it but me who works my butt off every day along with my husband can get it. I'm stressed out right now .. :( I guess this is just a waiting game to hear from them.


  • Is your sister married or a minor/under the age of 21? Because that may be the reason why she is covered and you are not. Not that it is a fair reasoning but I know some insurances are like that.
  • Covered on my parents or title 19 @conreeaghtw
  • She is not married and under the age of 21
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  • On my parents their insurance simply just doesn't cover maternity..

    I found out she is on title 19 but she doesn't work so I can see why she would get it but between my husband and I we make around 52k a year which isn't a lot to us but its more than some people make..
  • You should be able to qualify for medicade since you are pregnant. I was on my dads when I was pregnant and got medicade and used it as a secondary insurance, so whatever my dads didn't cover that did. And once baby is here he/she will automatically qualify with the no child left behind act. I was 21 years old when I got prego but was 22 when I gave birth. I can be on my dads insurance either until I get married or when I turn 25 or 26 years old.
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