Help please

edited September 2012 in Babies
I don't know what to do!
Makenzie is 9 months old and is STILL waking up in the middle of the night HAS NEVER SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT. She drinks a botte before bed time and then I lay her down and she falls sleep on her own.
She drinks bottles every 4 hours ALL NIGHT LONG! I have tired giving her more in her bottle (she drinks 6oz I have tired 8oz but she wont take that much). She has dinner at about 5-530 and I have even tired to give her fruit and cereal before bed time to help fill her up and no still wakes up.
She naps 2 times a day for about an 1.5-2 hours each and naps are around 10 and 3 so its not like she is getting a nap too late or anything.

Now she is teething (getting like 4-5 teeth up top all at once) I can't get her to finish a bottle in one sitting during the day at all. It takes her the whole hour to finish it. She wont eat jar food or table food for that matter only at dinner time. And then during the night she will finish a bottle. I have tired to kinda just rock her back to sleep with out the bottle but she SCREAMS like I am hurting her.



  • I started giving Jack Camomile tea before bed and that has really helped. He used to wake up several times a night but not anymore. Also got him a sound machine
  • I didn't know babies could have tea lol Never thought about it. Makenzie has one of those sound machines :-(
  • I just put it in a bottle. I don't add anything to it @amab13
  • This might not help, but during the day to get her to eat more, give her an ice cube in a wash cloth or mesh thing before trying to feed her. It'll numb the teeth so she may be able to eat better. Before bed, we usually do yogurt or apple sauce with cereal mixed in.
  • My daughter is 15 months and still not sleeping through the night.
  • Have you tried putting toys in her crib? Sometimes they will entertain themselves back to sleep. Also DM you go in at her first peep or do you let her work up a good cry first. I noticed once my daughter sees me its game over and she won't go back to sleep...but sometimes if I ignore her she will go back to sleep. My daughter also takes a terry cloth burp rag to bed she likes to chew on it, she has never liked teethers or binkis she has always chewed and sucked on burp rags.
  • @ Second_time_mommy7 she as a couple teethers in her crib but she doesn't reach for them or anything. And we share a room right now. But no I don't get up at the first little peep. She starts off screaming its either a whine or screaming she has no middle.
  • @second_time_mommy7 My lo takes a cloth to bed too! So did my son! :)
  • We tried the tea last night with our bub and he was still snoring when I got up for work at 5am and just got home from my run and he's still asleep. Don't think he woke overnight but will hear about it when wifezilla wakes up lol.
  • I've heard that by that age they don't need night feedings..I have read to give water when they wake up and soon enough they will stop or at least put themselves back to sleep knowing they aren't going to get milk only water. Now idk how effective it is or how nice it is. Just giving an option that wasn't already stated.
  • Alright ladies and dad.. She had cearl with fruit tonight a warm bath (with dim lighting) night time lotion and she is drinking a bottle now( like always) and it has some of the tea in it... WISH US LUCK! lol I tired a bottle of just the tea and she didn't like it lol So she has half formula half tea lol and she is drinking it so I hope all of this works lol
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