he won't eat baby food

edited September 2012 in Food
Logi is a little over five months old. I started cereal and veggies and fruit. He blows raspberries at me and won't open his mouth. On Sun my sister decided to make "thanksgiving" dinner...my sil was there and asked if she could let him taste sweet potatoes...I figured he wouldn't want to based on him not eating his cereal. This kid opened his mouth wide like a little bird does for a worm and gobbled it down. He has been watching us eat I've noticed. Later my sister bked a cake and she handed me a piece and Logi grabbed for the plate and cried bc I wouldn't give him any. What do I do?! Skip baby food? Or just keep trying?

Also, can babies have Greek yogurt?


  • My son is not a fan of baby food so I just made my own and mashed it up. Hes 11 months now and eats whatever we eat I just cut it in small pieces for him now. Yes they can have Greek yogurt but I think they say to wait untill 6 months am not to sure
  • edited September 2012
    @angie87 thx:) he tasted the Greek yogurt and loves it so I figured that would be better then eating unhealthy stuff. I mushed up carrots last night and he ate those. I guess I'm gonna have to get a blender.
  • @krista22 thx:) Yeh that was my concern is its early. My 2 yr old did the same but it wasn't until about 8 months when I had to give up on baby food.
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