This really bothers me...

My sister is 42 weeks today, yesterday they admitted her to the hospital a ways up from my house since she wasn't progressing past 1cm. I found out she was there last night after I messaged her on FB. I told her I wanted to come see her today since they started pitocin this morning...well no one has even tried to contact me to take me to go see her. My phone screen cracked over the weekend, and the screen stopped working on it from the I have no way of calling anyone..I told her that. I would at least think my mom would stop by to pick me up since she has to drive past our house to get there. Nope! It really bothers me since no one seems to think about me, to take me there to go see her. I have someone to watch my 14 month old while I'm there, and of course I have to take my 2 week old with me since I'm breastfeeding, and she's too small to leave with someone anyways.

It just really bothers sister has been present for both birth's of mine, but I'm going to miss out on her's because no one wants to come get me. :( I don't even know if anyone will come get me AFTER she has the baby so I can go see her. Ugh.


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