@Cheryl74 with my last baby I started to lose mine around 35 weeks I think. Kept losing it and lost my bloody show the night before my water broke at 38 week's. Every person and pregnancy is different though.
@Cheryl74 I know exactly what you mean. You truly forget all of it. If uoure like me...I won't remember anything unless I write it down haha! I'm going on #6 and I'll probably still wonder or question what's normal...or what does this or that mean lol
@CristinaLynn lol, so glad I'm not the only one. I guess its time to start walking, bouncing and having sex. (although I'm soooo not ready to give birth again lmao) xxx
Don't worry, your water breaking isn't life threatening or even an emergency. As long as it's clear fluid and there's nothing hanging out of you (like the cord - not common at all) then you have plenty of time more than likely.
@wilsonsmom My water broke at 5:30 am...and didn't go to the hospital until about 3-4pm lol I'm so glad I sat back and relaxed at home for as long as I did. I took a nice bath, did my hair and did my face haha. I plan on laboring as long as possible at home with this baby too. It's just more comfortable to be at home.
@cristinalynn@homebirthadvocate I would've labored more at home after my water broke..but knowing I was already at 5cm and it being my first and not knowing how things were going to go I went immediately...had her 5hrs later after getting checked in.
@trixiesmom8 It's a little different. I was on my 5th baby, so I knew what my body was doing and how far I had to go. My longest labor is 5 hours so I do understand about cutting it close lol I just loved being at home for as long as I was. @hombirthadvocate If I could have the baby in my home that would be a dream come true!! I would feel so comfy and I think it would be such a great experience. Especially since my girls could be there to watch their sister or brother be born. It would be amazing!!!
Oh yay!!! Good luck @Cheryl74!!! @hombirthadvocate I would LOVE to have all my girls with me while I bring their baby sister or brother in this world!! I wished you were closer...I would absolutely love to have you as my midwife!
Good luck, stay calm and enjoy the journey...it's almost time to get the prize! (baby)