woohoo... sweep and plug..update

edited September 2012 in Pregnant
Had a sweep on Wednesday and have just lost my plug. Going for another sweep this morning. Wish me luck ladies

# how long were you ladies loosing your plug for. Mine has been coming out in shed loads all day x

Waters have gone :-)


  • Good luck sweetie, not long now!
  • Well sweep went ok (as pain goes lol) Dr thinks it could be anyday now.... Super scared lol x
  • @homebirthadvocate not sure if you can answe xxx
  • I had a sweep monday lost my plug all at once on tueday had another sweep thursday and went into labor thursday night
  • @Graysonsmommy that's encouraging...I've been loosing snotty stuff all day, now am wide awake and its 3am here.....
  • @Cheryl74 with my last baby I started to lose mine around 35 weeks I think. Kept losing it and lost my bloody show the night before my water broke at 38 week's. Every person and pregnancy is different though.
  • @CristinaLynn thanks, this is baby #4 for me so you'd think I'd know lol. I just don't remember it being like this. X
  • @Cheryl74 I know exactly what you mean. You truly forget all of it. If uoure like me...I won't remember anything unless I write it down haha! I'm going on #6 and I'll probably still wonder or question what's normal...or what does this or that mean lol
  • @CristinaLynn lol, so glad I'm not the only one. I guess its time to start walking, bouncing and having sex. (although I'm soooo not ready to give birth again lmao) xxx
  • Super scared now x
  • You can do it, girl! :)

    Good luck, stay calm and enjoy the journey...it's almost time to get the prize! (baby)
  • Don't worry, your water breaking isn't life threatening or even an emergency. As long as it's clear fluid and there's nothing hanging out of you (like the cord - not common at all) then you have plenty of time more than likely.
  • Good luck hun!!
  • @wilsonsmom My water broke at 5:30 am...and didn't go to the hospital until about 3-4pm lol I'm so glad I sat back and relaxed at home for as long as I did. I took a nice bath, did my hair and did my face haha. I plan on laboring as long as possible at home with this baby too. It's just more comfortable to be at home.
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  • @cristinalynn @homebirthadvocate I would've labored more at home after my water broke..but knowing I was already at 5cm and it being my first and not knowing how things were going to go I went immediately...had her 5hrs later after getting checked in.
  • I cannot believe your almost due!!! And this time last year we was waiting for our lil miss & mr to come!!! Xx
  • Well ladies, water broke 14 hours ago.......and nothing...grr
  • :( What's the plan now??
  • @misskristin not too sure really. Awaiting the Dr to make a decision. :(
  • Well good luck hun hopefully not to much longer.
  • Can't imagine they will have let you go too much longer than now without inducing if you haven't already started! Hoping for a baby update soon!! X
  • @trixiesmom8 It's a little different. I was on my 5th baby, so I knew what my body was doing and how far I had to go. My longest labor is 5 hours so I do understand about cutting it close lol I just loved being at home for as long as I was. @hombirthadvocate If I could have the baby in my home that would be a dream come true!! I would feel so comfy and I think it would be such a great experience. Especially since my girls could be there to watch their sister or brother be born. It would be amazing!!!
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  • 2 hours ago Cheryl's contractions were coming thick and fast!! (update from Facebook) hope your holding your lil boy in your arms now Cheryl xxx
  • Oh yay!!! Good luck @Cheryl74!!! @hombirthadvocate I would LOVE to have all my girls with me while I bring their baby sister or brother in this world!! I wished you were closer...I would absolutely love to have you as my midwife!
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  • @SamiUK thanks hun. Cant update all as on phone and its crap lol. Just doing a birth thread xxx
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