A few questions about newborns from a ftm.

edited September 2012 in Babies Health
I am loving being a mommy! I love my baby girl so much. I worry alot and have a few questions if anyone can help me. I am a ftm so I don't know what is normal or not!


My milk came in a few days ago and my breast are really full. Will pumping make me make more milk or is it good to pump milk if I have it?

Baby eats about every two hours sometimes less and only eats 5-10 minutes then stops. Is this normal?

Is it possible to over feed her? I feel like she is always hungry.

She has been spitting up lately like she is eating too fast or too much. Almost everytime she eats. Is this normal?

If she isn't awake after 3 hours to eat I am suppose to wake her up right?


After my milk came in she has been pooping like crazy! It has turned to a mustard yellow really runny poop.. The last two days she has had poop in about every diaper. Is her body just getting use to the milk or something? Or could she be sick?

She has been going through a ton of diapers. How many should she be going through?


Sometimes daddy will let her lay on her belly on his chest and nap. Is she ok on her belly for a little?

She sleeps a ton. Like the majority of the day. I feel like she is barley awake. How much should she be sleeping?

She is so squirmy when she sleeps. She literally moves her hands all over the place and wiggles her feet. Do I keep swaddling her when I put her to bed?


  • all of this sounds normal to me and my daughter was doing most of what you said. i found that wraping her up in a blanket like they do in a hosptial was very comforting to her. and try rubing your fingers across her check when she falls asleep or feed her with just her diaper on so she will stay up.
  • and my daughter also had dirty diapers everytime i changed her until resently and shes now 7 weeks
  • @Joshuaswifey_711 Thank you. I just worry so much! :/
  • @rjr33 your welcome and she is my second daughter and i still worry so much too
  • @rjr33 were you trying to build your supply or did you just want to pump to empty?
  • @joshuaswifey_711 I am pumping to empty and to save when I introduce a bottle for daddy to feed her. I feel like I have a good supply already.. I think.
  • Breastfeeding:
    To get your supply up its good to feed your girl and when she is done then pump for a few minutes after. It tricks your body into thinking she is nursing longer and needs more food. Also feed her whenever she is hungry. If she is underweight then MDs say to wake her up at night to feed until she reaches the weight she was born at. A little spit up is normal but it shouldn't be every feeding.

    Poop is normal. Breast milk poops are mustard yellow and seedy. After about a week or so, they don't poop after everyfeeding, just 1-2 times a day.

    Do not place her on her tummy unless someone will be watching her. As newborns, their lungs may not be strong enough to expand and contract when breathing under the weight of their bodies. Tummy time does get them stronger, especially their arms and neck when trying to lift. I always swaddled, they feel comforted and contained. Yes, they sleep about 16- 18 hours a day, about 2-4 hours at a time when they are newborns.

  • Sounds completely normal! Remember your breasts are full from swelling, not just milk, so that will go down eventually.

    You're doing a great job! :)
  • Yes, all sounds perfectly normal.


    BM is very easily digested, so she well eat frequently until she gets older to fill up more. She's so small right more that little fills her. It is not possible to overfeed, and if she tends to spit up make sure to get a good burp or two out of her. Although some babies do spit up more than others. Just keep an eye as to what is normal for her.

    Generally, they say a baby will self regulate hunger after 3 weeks and no longer need to be woken up; however, they also say not to let a NB go more than 5 hours without nursing. So, I made sure to wake baby if she went for an extended amount of time in the first month.


    All sound normal, breastfed baby poop is a mustard yellow and seedy. My LO had a BM after every feeding for the first 3 months. Although, she is still very regular and poops about 3 times a day.


    Yes, it is ok for baby to sleep on daddy's chest. Skin on skin is best as it helps with many of baby's bodily functions. I would caution against laying baby on tummy in crib or on bed at this age.

    Babies sleep a ton! The fidgety movements you see are because her brain and neurological development is maturing -- perfectly normal. Some speculate that babies have a sense of falling and swaddling helps calm this sensation. You may want to try swaddling to see if it settles her better.

    Congrats again! I'm so happy you are enjoying motherhood. :)

  • Take all the advice given to you and then do what you feel is right for you guys! I never listened to the waking the baby up to feed them advice and my both my girls started sleeping through the night by a month old. There is not a set rule book that you must follow. Enjoy yoour time with her when she is this young because they grow up soooo fast.
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  • edited September 2012
    @crisjoe @homebirthadvocate @Kyliemommy @mijita @wilsomom

    Thank you. I can't stop worrying if I am doing things right or if she is ok! :/ one more question she is starting to get a little red rash on her bottom. Probably from pooping so much. What is best to use? Is Desitin ok? She is pooping like crazy.
  • Desitin is fine :)
  • Everyone will tell you something different to use that worked well....Desitin, butt paste, Mustella Vitimin Barrier Cream (my fav) all work well. Just make sure her butt is dry before you apply the cream.
  • I'm so glad you're doing better with breastfeeding! It hurt my heart for you in the beginning because I knew exactly what you were going thru. Except I gave up too soon.. good luck, mama! Sounds like you're doing a fantastic job, everything sounds pretty normal!
  • Instead of using baby wipes when you change her, try just a warm washcloth. The alcohol in the wipes is irritating and can make the tooshie rash worse. That and whatever butt paste you want is good. :)
  • Vasoline worked very well on my baby's raw bottom
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