i need help...don't know what to do

edited September 2012 in Relationships
Let me start this of with the stats. We've been married 7.5 years, known each other for 8. We have one son who will be a year old thus month and I'm 6 months pregnant with our second.
We don't quit...we don't give up, we're in this for the long haul. However, we both have major anxiety and anger issues and both have depression. Not the greatest combination, I know.
In our 8 years together we've had only a handful of real fights. But the past two we've had he's mentioned divorce and part of me thinks he says it just to say it, shock value, I guess...but another part of me thinks...he wouldn't bring it up if it really hadn't crossed his mind before...right? He hates when I nag, which my nagging is "please come to bed cause it's 11:30 and we have to get up ay 6." I work full time, come home make dinner, chase after our son, do dishes laundry shower then bed. While he plays five different apps on his tablet, plays video games, messing around with computer stuff, etc.
Now I love my husband and I don't want to begrudge him his free time, but I can't even brging to tell you how lost I feel. He does everything by his own schedule and he hates when I "manage his time" by wanting him to come to bed but really, I'm not managing his time he manages ours. And that's not how it should be. Everything I do is now done around our son's schedule. Like last night I wanted to lay him down for bed which we usually do together or try to anyways, but yesterday I wanted to later him down and yge just kept saying give me a minute.. .while he finished posting in some Facebook group. Is that a joke?
*sigh* I know that sounds kinda lame, there's more to it, but this long post would be even longer ...I just needed a place to vent cause I can't talk to any of my family or friends.
What I really would like to do is go back to therapy...so I can have someone to talk yo consistently, but I feel like eventually he might get irritated with having to watch our son for an hour and a half while I go talk to someone.
I'm just so devastated right now.


  • :-( I'm sad for you. I hope everything works out. That is super annoying that he just does whatever he wants every night and doesn't help around the house at all or with your baby. Boy, it sure seems like a lot of preglies are having this same problem lately :-( These men need a good ass kicking! So does he just expect you to do everything? You should go back to therapy if you are wanting to! OMG you really think he'd get irritated watching his own child for an hour and a half :O that's terrible! I don't really know what to say but I wish the best for you! That all just sucks!! Best wishes.
  • If he has time to play on his tablet as a form of therapy then you certainly are entitled to seek therapy. I feel mental health is very important and may resolve some underlying issues that may be contributing to your problems to begin with. If he has a problem with allowing you this therapy, then I'm afraid you are fighting a useless cause -- your marriage. No spouse should deny outlets of wellbeing to their significant other and if you feel ”guilty” for leaving his child with him then I think you need to reassess why you feel that way, as I see that as a form of abuse in itself.

    Good luck!
  • Thank you both. I will say he's more of a helper than most men. Be just doesn't notice the TIME it takes me to do things or for him to do things. He wants me to play the same apps as him, he just doesn't get that...no.. we CAN'T both be playing games. Otherwise NOTHING would get done. Also he is a cleaner and a helper he just chooses to do it on Saturday whereas I like to do what I can throughout the week so we can ENJOY the weekend. I guess it's somewhat good that we balance out in that sense.
    I just hate ruts like this...
  • I'll tell you I had the same problem...I also had issues with my fiancee. But I also was depressed and had anxiety...I didn't know I was until I lost it after the baby,.got laid off and had crazy family problems. I ended up in the ER I had an anxiety attack. The ER Dr gave me an anti depression prescription I've been on it since May I feel so much better also been seeing a therapist. I have come to realize alot of my gripes with my fiancee were more me than him...he isn't perfect but the stuff I was picking on wasn't worth getting so upset about. He goes to work, supports us, loves his kids, isn't out partying, he helps with cooking, he does also do wash...I realized alot of guys aren't involved in their kids lives like he is. Also, we've been together for ten years so sometimes that time tends to make us take alot for granite...our life isn't perfect but just talking to a therapist has helped and made me realize it'll never be perfect but I'm with him for a reason and I know he.loves me and the kids.
    I think if you guys get a therapist to help talk it thru that would help...bc you have alot invested in.your relationship like we do...time kids and your heart.
  • Maybe you guys could write each other letters...even if it's through email or anything. It would help you get your feelings out without getting in an argument and you'd have time to really think about what to say or not say and how to say it.
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