gender ultrasound today!!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So I went and everything looked really good but the baby was moving like crazy and it was hard to get a Good picture. The tech said it looked like a girl cuz she didn't see any boy parts and there was three white lines. So she said girl but she didn't sound convinced.???


  • Oh I am twenty two weeks today. But the tech said the baby measured at twenty weeks and just thinks my due date is wrong. I was tracking my periods and there regular and I had an ultrasound at like 11 weeks and the Dr never said anything about a different due date. Has this happened to anyone?
  • My first pregnancy wasn't sure it was a girl thought it was so I went back a few weeks later. Her due date was may 8 at first but got changed to April 29 then they thought April 24 but didn't change it bc it was just 4 days but she was born April 28 due dates always change and I tracked my period
  • Aww a girl...I kno u happy...did u go shoppin after the ultrasound
  • @debs ok well that's good to know I really hope she is right lol.
    @cant_wait_until_July I am very happy. We did go shopping after but am kinda sacred since she wasn't exactly sure. Were gonna try to buy all the big things later that away in case we have to take them back we can.
  • Well Congrats! :) any names pick out? ...I'd be frustrated if it didn't seem convincing LOL just make sure to keep receipts
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 not yet we only had a boy name picked out. I am very frustrated lol and we plan to keep them but once we open the car seat and stroller we can't return it lol
  • They changed my due date based on my first sonogram. My lmp had me at 9 weeks but the sono had me measuring at 8. Congrats on the girl!
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