omg hes here.... sorry if its long lol

edited September 2012 in Giving birth
Well my waters broke sat at 3ish pm. (odd feeling as this is baby #4 and that's never happened to me lol) I had to come straight to l&d due to few complications in last birth. So I waited for labour to start. And I waited, and waited lol. I walked and bounced all night to no avail. On Sunday at about 4 they put me on the monitor to check him and his heartbeat was showing signs of being a bit unhappy so they decided to induce me. They put a clip on babies head to monitor his heartbeat whilst he was still inside me and I was hoked up to the drip by 5 and contractions were coming within no time. They examined me at 9.15pm and I was dilated to 4. the midwife said he would be here the following morning.....he had other ideas because at 9.55 I started feeling the tell tell signs of pressure. I asked the midwife to check me and reluctantly she did. Thank god lol cause I was fully dilated. My mw said he'd be 10.30. I started pushing at 9.58 and he was on my tummy at 10.01. No shoulder problems this time (phew). He weighs 7.6 and has the cuttest face ever.
Thanks ladies for all your support throughout this and my last pregnancy xxx


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