Daily Nutrient Requirement

edited July 2013 in Health
I recently joined in on the MyFitnessPal movement with my fellow Pregly's. I've browsed daily meal diaries and was a little concerned with daily caloric need vs intake. I feel some Pregly's are skimping themselves on energy requirement (calories) that are essential for optimal health.

We are so concerned with obesity and have had overeating drilled into us until we've associated food as the enemy. We need to relearn the types of foods that are detrimental to our health, and even then we can allow ourselves to indulge in them in moderation or as a treat. It it's not entirely necessary to eliminate them from our diets.

Daily energy need varies from individual based on age, body mass, gender and activity level. It would take expensive equipment to calculate your daily caloric intake. I've tried stressing the importance of meeting at least the bare minimum requirements.

In a quest to try and provide you some insight, I did a little research and came across the following site. Please keep in mind that it's a generic formula and may be off by 10% for some individuals, which is not much when given the scope of the situation.

We are obsessed with rapid results that we lose sight that every day that we eat a wholesome diet we are benefiting with healthier bodies. We may not reflect the glamorized ”idealized” female body, but your health will reflect it. Who wants to be skinny perfect and in ill-health -- I don't!


  • Thanks sweetie!
  • I lied! I bumped it for you @ YNVTish
  • I agree with @Mijita 100% in this and while I have crash lost weight it was in no means healthy or ideal. At the peak of my weight loss I would have been lucky to be eating 1000 calories every second day which left me extremely weak.

    I am now on vitamin supplements and protein muscle gain shakes a couple of times a day to help stabilise things. I am also seeing a dietician every week to ensure I'm moving forward as I came very close to having a feeding tube put in.

    Many times even now I struggle to exercise due to not eating properly and have twice passed out at work due to this.

    Please take care everyone and talk out you're concerns as someone may just know the answer.
  • @dadof2n1togo; Thanks for your support! I think being under the care of a dietitian has been very insightful for you. I don't think people realize how detrimental severe calorie restriction is. Back before the start of the obesity epidemic, people were eating ”normal.” Now that people are doing the opposite, they feel they need to take drastic measures to slim down.

    It so good to see you going so well!
  • Oh my, after doing this Calculator I'm a little confused. It's saying between 1350 calories for extreme weight loss & 1970 calories to maintain. The MyFitnessPal is telling me a goal of 1200 to lose 1.5 pounds a week. I'm seriously wondering if I'm doing the starvation mode thing you talked about and that's why I'm not losing anymore...not to mention I don't feel too great. When I lost the 22 pounds (several months ago) I wasn't counting calories at all and I was never hungry.... I just made sure every bite that went into my mouth was healthy and it was that easy! And I ate A LOT of healthy stuff (Besides the occasional treat) Now that I'm focusing on calories I'm more obssesive about the calories rather than giving myself good fuel. So if I eat or drink something bad, then I try to skimp on everything else. Wow, I'm starting to get the big picture now...it's more about giving your body good, healthy, nutrisious fuel...not about cutting out calories. So...if I eat a big fat candy bar, I should STILL eat all my good veggies, proteins, omega's, etc that my body NEEDS!

    You are awesome!!!! :D
  • This made me laugh, thank you!

    It's about both calories and nutrition. It's a leaning curve on how to pick low calorie, wholesome foods without feeling a sense of deprivation. The calculator is based on age, current weight, gender (women tend to have more body fat than men) and current level of activity, so it's more reliable than the generic number of 1200.

    1200 calories is based on the needs of a person at an ideal weight, however that doesn't include the calories needed for activity. It's based on someone at complete rest (i.e. Laying in bed), so it's very restrictive. When a person is overweight, even mildly, their energy requirement increases because of the extra weight they carry.

    Give your calculated energy requirement (the middle range) a go for a couple weeks. I guarantee you'll lose weight. My calculated weight loss number was 1750, and I aim for 1500 - 1800 per day. I do no less than 1500.

    Also be honest about your activity level. You are doing yourself an injustice by fudging this number.

    Oh and your lethargy is your body telling you you need more fuel. Listen to your body!

  • Yay! Yay! Yay! I am so happy about this....I'm so tired all the time & I bet that's part of the reason. Thank you! :)
  • @YNVTish; Here is the calculator I was referencing. It accounts for all the factors I was talking about.
  • @Reneerose0828; Here is a bump for you.
  • @wilsomom I know that 1200 is what a lot if times is used for average weigh people. What is calculated as average. I have looked into that program and if I put in the weigh I want you stay at because I'm short and light it barely allowed me to eat anything. And I eat way more then that a day and have been doing well at staying fit. I just think it's more important the food we eat and portion size. Soo I use better formula and calculate urself if ur trying to loose weight.
  • @jules; I'm curious if you calculated your calorie requirement using the link above and if the number is greater than 1200?
  • @mijita well I just did them both and they are about the same to keep my current weight. The link u put up gives like 44 more calories. But like I said I I eat me then that and I been same size for long time I'm actually little smaller then before I was pregnant after Scarlett my weight change off Right away plus Little more probably because of the breastfeeding. And I haven't been able to gain anything been trying to for 10 months. I only put on 2 by trying to build muscle since I'm active anyways.
  • @jules; My mom is barely 5' and weighs 103 lbs, this after 7 children. She is very active and eats like a horse. As active as I am, I'd still be as big as a house if I ate like her. Some women are just blessed with fast and efficient metabolisms.

    I also agree that 1200 calories is too few for most women. It's based off the least amount of calories a woman can go by without becoming nutrient deficient. So, 1200 calories is just a generic number and not suitable for everyone.
  • @mijita I agree I think we need more. I'm 4'11 and 84 pounds. And have always been a small so I am one of those lucky people but I eat healthy things that have good fats but I can eat whatever and it doesn't effect me I tried lol...
  • According to the app my calorie intake should be of 1200. I'm 5'2 and 130 lbs as of right now
  • The MyFitnessPal
  • But then referring to the calorie diary site you suggested to me it states my daily calories including fitness should be 1543
  • edited October 2012
    MyFitnessPal will resort to the generic 1200 calorie a day to make sure you get at least the minimum daily nutrition need. It doesn't account for all the variables that are important. If 1543 feels like too much for you subtract 250, that way with your daily exercise you will accomplish that 500 calorie deficit to lose weight.

  • Thank you I will do that :)
  • @molly I've answered some questions here. I'll answer your question when I get off work. Sorry.

    @starrxoxo9 :)
  • Thank you!!
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