I gave baby a bottle :(

edited September 2012 in Breastfeeding
I was really trying to wait to give her a bottle. But ughh my breast are killing me. :'( I gave her 2 oz bm in a tommi tippee. I use nipple cream but I think baby girl is just not latching on right so it's hurting alot. I know giving her a bottle isn't gonna make her latch issue any better but I couldn't take it. My breast hurt so bad. I am almost contemplating on exclusively pumping even though I know it's gonna be alot of work. Idk what to do.


  • edited September 2012
    Tommee tipee is disigned for breastfeeding mothers woth the shape of the nipple.. And you also put bm so i think its all good...
  • Don't be sad honey. It's okay. It doesn't make you any less awesome as a mommy. Sometimes we just do what we have to in order to stay sane. Try putting bm on your nipples after you feed her/pump. It helps heal them up. See if you can't get an LC to help you with the latch situation. Keep trying. :)
  • Don't give up!!! You've worked so hard up til this point...I know it hurts like h#$% lol but I promise this will pass too... It.is much harder to deal with pumping and all of that then it is to just plop down and nurse in the future. We are all so proud of how hard you have worked at this! I promise in a week or two, there will be no pain and you will enjoy it so much more! Whatever you decide we will always support you!!!! Stay strong momma!! :)
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  • edited September 2012
    I cried for like the first week because it hurt so bad, but eventually it was a piece of cake. Don't feel bad because you gave her a bottle! You are doing great hun!
  • Every time Owen cried for the first week, I cried with him. it hurt so bad. but one day he latched and it was gone... it will get better. I promise! I remember how bad it hurt, gah! just remember its for that sweet baby!
  • I understand how you feel. I tried so hard to bf my daughter. But she wasnt latching very well. It started making my nipples bleed. They hurt so bad I would cry just to feed her. I was so upset cuz I really wanted to bf my daughter. But it hurt so bad. She was also jaundis(sp) and wasnt getting much better. I tried pumping but hardly anything came out. So the dr told me to try giving her a bottle every other feeding. She wasnt getting hardly anything. I hope you start having better luck. I dont think I was ment to bf. Cuz I have tried with 3 different children. Lol.
  • I had this with my second, it was awful, I know just how you are feeling. I was bleeding on one side it was so bad. Try soaking your nipples in a salt + water solution for up to 5 mins. Pat dry, them rub on some breastmilk before your lanolin cream. Do this a few times a day at first, it really helps! And don't feel bad about the bottle, you did what you had to to feed your baby! Good luck sweetie x
  • @everyone Thank you. I hope it gets easier I am struggling! I found it a little easier though to lay baby down by me and feed her laying side by side. Hopefully we figure it out. I didn't wanna introduce a bottle until a little later on but she took it pretty well and her feeding after it wasn't too bad.
  • I got really sick when my lo was a week old and feeding her and being in pain on top of being sick and healing after giving birth got too much... so I pumped for 2 feeds and it was enough to give my nipples a bit of a break to start to heal a little. Some times you feel the need to give a bottle occasionally. If you do want to successfully feed try not to do it much or you will end up with a supply problem. Goodluck and the salt thing really works!!!
  • You could try a nipple shield if it gets really bad. It helped me a lot!! But try to make it a last resort, because Tessa got hooked on it and I had to use that thing for like 2 months lol.
  • When breastfeeding make sure her mouth is open completely, and p pull her bottom lip down so it's not tucked under! Your doing good it takes time. If it means you exclusively breast pump so be it! :) gl
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