younger men?

edited September 2012 in Relationships
Have any of u ladies dated or r in a relationship with a younger man? How was it? Was he mature? Was the sex up to par (u don't have to get into details due to pregly rules)? Do u think age really matters?


  • I completely agree with ^^^ Hahaha. Older men allllllll the way!!!!
  • I've been only a bit younger, and I do think age plays a bit of a part. There's no doubt that the older you get, the less big of a deal it is. Between a 18 and 20 yo, is pretty big difference in maturity. But say 40-42? 87-93? Not so much.
    The sex, was pretty blah. Lol. But that comes with experience. The plus side of that is, when they're not experienced, you can kind of mould them to your preference!
    Sorry for the ramble!
  • I tried dating a younger guy (years ago) and I couldn't do it he was just to immature for me. I guess it could depend on how old you both are (this was in my teens so the immaturity doesn't surprise me now) and in all honesty the guy in general. We didn't do anything more then holding hands (my choice not his) so I can't say much about any relations.
  • I have personally only dated older men. I feel like men even my age aren't where I need a man to be mature wise. If I was wayyy older and going through a mid life crisis it would be fun, to help feel young again. Studies have shown men are less mature than women at the same age, my husband is 9 years older than I am. However I do believe every person/ situation is different. It depends on what they have experienced in life. What's the age gap?
  • @bexiewexie lol gotta love ya. Ur a mess but I like older men. I've never had a relationship with a younger guy but my friend is 24 n is in a relationship with an 18 yr ol (he just turned 18 in June) n she is head over heals for this boy. I personally couldn't do it. I have a guy friend who's a younger then me n I can't get past his age, lol.
    @1stwoodsbaby lol
    @natashalynn I heard younger guys have more stamina...idk about that one, lol
  • My husband is 2 years younger then me has worked since he was 16 never been wit out a job hes very responsible an mature hes 23 an is already training to be a pilot on the river his moma raised him rite lol!
  • @second_time_mommy7 I'm just inquiring but I like older men as well (bd is 5 yrs older) my friend is telling me I should get a younger guy. She's .24 n he just turned 18.
  • @mrz_jackson tell hubby I said "u go boy", lol
  • Omg i talked to a 19 year old before an omg i wanted to choke him lol he was so immature
  • Lol i laugh at him he has so many high hopes he wants to build an buy housse an businesses an buy land lol im jus like ok u do that then!
  • edited September 2012
    Lol how old were u? My guy friend is a couple of yrs younger then me n I don't see myself ever being in a relationship with him. I think I've just always been mature for my age n I need an older guy n in all honesty lately it seems like the older they get the less mature they r n if one more 30 yr old "inspiring rapper" tries to talk to me I'm going to scream, lol.
  • Lol well that's good. He sounds like a go getter. What's his zodiac sign? @mrz_Jackson
  • Lol!! I was 24 its wen me an my husband was seperated for awhile. Yes he wants everythang lol i have no clue wat his sign is his bday is june 15
  • He's a Gemini n were u always attracted to younger men? @mrz_jackson
  • Well I am 23 and my children's father is 21 we were together for 6 years and being that we started out when he was 15 about to be 16 and I was 16 turning 100 lol but I didn't lose my virginity to him at 18 and when me and him finally did have sex it sucked up until about a year ago so yeah y'all do the math and I have a fear with dating older guys and i hate sex on top of that so yeah if I would choose NO YOUNGER GUYS THEY SUCK AND AREN'T EVER MATURE! Age matters a lot seriously ...
  • I was wen i was a teenager but now since i talked to that 19 year old im like o god i will never date a younger man if we ever divorce
  • I felt really akward around him lol
  • Im 30 and my husband is 26 & he is very mature for his age. I was 23 when I met him & he was 19. Next month is our 7th year anniversary :x
  • @TayTay you're making me feel old since I'm 30 lol
  • I'm 22 almost 23 and my husband is 30. Lol older aaaaaall the way! All the guys my age and younger could never hold a candle to him. Lol especially in bed.
  • I'm all for older guys. I'm almost 24 and my bfs almost 26. Older guys tend to be more mature...sometimes that is lol. Id stay away from the younger guy.
  • Yikes... How long have they been together? Is she in a serious relationship with him? I know if I ever did date a younger man he would have to be more than barely legal Lmao. I honestly feel like some women like to date younger immature men, It brings out the mother hen in them. I've seen it with several of my older friends. They want to be in control and dating a younger man let's them do just that!
  • @MrsStanley_x2 my husband is getting ready to turn 31 and I am 22! I have never talked to any with 9 year age gap, that's my age! How did you meet your husband and how old were you?
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  • @second_time_mommy7 it's great, isn't it? Lol I was a sohpomore in college working as a cashier at a huge travel plaza, and he was head of the tire shop (just moved out here from AZ to be with his dad whom he didn't grow up with and family). He actually hated me at first. Haha I was blonde at the time and always cashiered with a friend and we would goof off, so he thought I was immature. One night I had a party at my apartment for work friends, and he was on time when everyone else was late. We started talking, and the rest is history. Lol
  • Yes ma'am it is! That's so funny that he didn't like you at first, I think my husband and I liked each other from day 1, we worked together also but he was my boss so it was complicated. My former boss who had transferred me to his store was his ex fiancee. That blew up in her face Lmao. When we first started working together we flirted a lot but he was 9 years older and I had a kid not to mention the fact dating employees was wrong so he never made the move. He found out that her was getting promoted and would no longer be my boss and told me how he felt 3 days later lol. We started officially dating in august after he left my store (I also got promoted a couple weeks after he did) got engaged in December got married the following august and had a daughter the next august! Lol his mom is crazy and doesn't case much for our age gap or how quickly our relationship went, How does your mil feel about it?
  • My hubs is 2 years younger than me. I only dated much older men in the past. I got lucky tho bc my husband is very mature (27 years old now) and provides for his family.
  • @second_time_mommy7 awww at least that shows great character on his part for staying professional! :) Our relationship went fast, too, and honestly- no one had a problem with the gap! His mom LOVES me and said I was the best thing that ever happened to him, and after dealing with my ex my mom thought he was the greatest thing sinced sliced bread. Haha he looks about 25 on a good day, so most people are shocked to learn his age. Lol heck even my grandparents say he's their "favorite new grandkid." Lol
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