I feel so selfish..

edited September 2012 in Breastfeeding
I think I want to stop breastfeeding.. with my daughter around, it just seems easier to give my son (he's the one breastfeeding) a bottle. I know BREASTFEEDING IS THE BEST THING FOR HIM, AND THAT'S WHY I FEEL SELFISH ABOUT IT. I KNOW THAT ONCE I STOP, I WON'T BE ABLE TO START AGAIN.. UGH, I'm so stuck! Pumping isn't an option because that's just too much work having a toddler and a newborn....... ugh. :/


  • You have to do what is best for you and both kids! Don't feel selfish be glad you made it as long as you did.
  • I feel ya. I'm due any day and I have a 1 year old also. I will breastfed but I can't help but not want to because I'm just dying to have my whole body back and do what I want with it without worrying about the effects it will have on my nursing baby. Plus I don't seem to lose weight breast feeding and want so badly to be skinny again!
  • I had to stop after 2 months because with a 3 yr old too, it was to stressful. I regret stopping so early, but it was better for me.
  • I want to stop sometimes also. I want to loose weight so bad and i want to go to a weight loss Dr but can't while I'm breastfeeding. it's also so much easier when your out and about in public or out to dinner and i have a 15 month old too...but then again i love breastfeeding and i don't want to stop at the same time. I wish i could get her to take breast and formula
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  • @bexiewexie and @MorDeeBee thank you for the support! I'm trying to keep in mind that, although breastfeeding is the best option for my son, I also have to remember my daughter, and myself.. its a hard decision.

    @2600wifey having my body back would be amazing! ..I've only been pregnant or nursing for.. two freakin' years!

    @sands3 I'm so glad to know that someone else made this same decision! Its hard, but it makes me feel a little less selfish knowing that someone else has felt the same way.

    @a_wagner I want to loose weight, also, and I'm doing pretty good while breastfeeding, but I couldn't make this decision based SOLELY on that.. although it has crossed my mind that if I weren't breastfeeding, I could diet, and I MIGHT loose more weight, more quickly.

    @HomeBirthAdvocate These are the cons of quitting breastfeeding, lol. I DO NOT want to have to wash bottles!

    IDK.. I'm still trying to decide.. Something that is weighing on my mind, also, is I can't tell if he's getting enough. When I give him a formula bottle now, he take close to three ounces, and when I pump, I barely get an ounce and a half.. I know for sure that I'm going to keep breastfeeding/pumping until his appt this week, and if he's gaining weight like he should, maybe I won't quit..
  • Keep in mind that pumping is NOT a good indicator of how much you are producing. Your son can extract more milk than the pump. As long as he has enough wet diapers he is fine. Just feed on demand and all will work out!
  • @ashley_smashley I know its not.. I didn't think it would be that much of a difference, tho. So its pretty normal to only get that much?
  • @Lucyloo288 how old is your lo?
  • @a_wagner my daughter was one on the 11, and my son is almost a month old.
  • Maybe try a mix of formula and breast feeding. Worked for a friend if mine.

    Whatever you decide will be right for your family.
  • In that case the amount your greeting while pumping is pretty normal but everyone is different. My lo is 3 months old and I'll get anywhere from three to five oz. On my left side depending on if it's been a long time since she has eaten. But my right side is smaller and I'll only get two or three oz on a good day.
  • What makes you feel bottles would be easier at this point? Does he nurse too long, or are you trying to keep up with your daughter?
  • edited September 2012
    I'm with @HomeBirthAdvocate its harder to make bottles and easy to whip out your breast. Milk is warm and ready to serve every time.

    No seriously... @lucyloo288 you have to do what's best for you not society or whatever.

    I can say BF is healthy and I do it for my LO... Real talk is, I'm just a lazy ass that refuses to get up in the middle of the night to make bottles. LOL

    It definitely makes sense for you not to BF when you have to manage 2 kids.
  • @conreeaght do you know how she did it? Like, pumped and mixed the two, or just bf at certain times?

    @a_wagner I barely get that much for both breasts combined.. and sometimes, even when I put him on my boob, he doesn't seem satisfied after he's drained me dry..

    @ourlittlenugget he does seem to nurse for a long time, but its keeping up with my daughter that is the hard part about it. My point was proven today when I was nursing and my daughter fell down and hurt herself.. I didn't know what to do with the baby (I def didn't just want to yank him off my boob.. ouch!), but I needed to get to her quickly.. thankfully we were at my aunt's house and she tended to Mia (it just sacred her, she wasn't hurt). But I hate to think about what would have happened if we had been home alone and it was something serious...

    @ynvtish I know, right! Nothing beats quick serve meals! It might be a little harder on me with the up keep of bottles, but at least my mind would be at ease that I wouldn't be tied up if my daughter needed me. This isn't an easy decision, and it comes with a deep regret, but it is the best decision for both of my kids at this point.

    @everyone thanks for the support, ya'll. I really needed to hear that it was okay to do this if it is what is best for my family. I feel that it is, but that doesn't mean its what I wanted to do.
  • He is eating no matter what honey, and that's all that matters :)
  • I felt the same way when my lo was that age i could only get barely three ounces. It gets better
  • edited September 2012
    I thought that might be it. My son will be 15 months when my daughter is born, and I'm foreseeing the same issues and trying to prepare! One suggestion I have for you is a wrap or sling. When Edison was little, I wore him in the Baby K'tan wrap a lot when I went out. Around 5 months I realized I could position my breast to nurse him right in the wrap. The freedom I suddenly found walking around the grocery store while discreetly nursing hands-free was utterly amazing! I plan to set up nursing this way with baby girl so I can still follow baby boy around the house and help him if he falls down or gets into mischief. ;-) Also just want to remind you how hard it can be the first month or two. Remember your milk comes in greater abundance soon, and baby becomes more efficient at nursing very shortly, too. You will spend less time on nursing sessions and likely be able to go longer in between too. There's nothing wrong with bottles, but if you can stick to nursing, it will get better!! :-)
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