@Mackenzies_mama2010, talk to @Mom2ING. She gave me great advice. My son absolutely refused to even consider potty training. Her ideas worked! He was potty trained in a week. lol. He had an accident the other day when we were out and about but that is to be expected since he has the attention span of a humming bird on crack.
@mom2ing me too! We've been trying to potty train our son for over 6 months and aren't having much luck. He'll tell us when he has to pee 50% of the time but I haven't gotten him to poop once! I've tried everything.
I waited till my son was ready a week before his 3rd birthday we did it in less then a day he was using the potty without us having to ask a week later he was dry at nights we were so lucky. Before then whenever we tried he was having none of it didnt want to know at all so we would leave it and try again a few weeks later.
I think the sooner you start the better as long as they enjoy it and It's not a struggle. Lauren will be one in a week and she pees nearly every time and poops a few times a week in her potty.
Mines was trained at 2 and a few months. After cleaning pee/poop for a week or so from the floor she was trained, she still uses the pull ups at bed time because she still has accidents when she is sleeping. It takes a lot of patience but is way worth it, I gave up a few times but my mom nagging in my ear helped me haha I do anything to keep her quiet.
@kimalee2288 @amab13 @Mackenzies_mama2010 @tinka1326 @gatorbob @YNVTish
I read this last week, maybe you all will like it.