They don't sell those tests at my freaking walmart. Boo. I am going to ask BD for the money, but ill make up some reason for it. I would think it might be too early to test. @cristinalynn, k don't know. The adenocarcinoma is a very early stage. It's something I would need to talk to a doctor about. He will absolutely flip sh*t. I don't know what the hell we would do. Neither of our vehicles are large enough and we cannot get new ones because of the bankruptcies. I have to be just paranoid.
You're paranoid! I was supposed to start my period September 20th and just woke up to it today! I was really freaking out, and I have had a lot of added stress lately! You started a new job and with your health issues maybe things are a little off. It's easier said then done, but try to keep your mind off of it. We drive ourselves crazy! I actually was crying to my husband last night that I really didnt plan on having anymore children and that he needs to go get snipped ASAP!
a part of me feels like I would be happy, despite it all. That must be the insanity in me speaking. Bd would push for a termination. It would be very difficult. Probably just paranoid, but ill keep ya updated ladies.