Amybody experience this before?

edited March 2011 in Trying to conceive
Afternoon ladies...although im nt ttc I wouldn't care if I end up prego. Ok so....i thought I was prego last mth. Gt my pd(period) on the 19th. It wasnt my normal pd it wasnt heavy & onky blood when I wiped nt in my urine or anythin. I was wonderin if I cld still b prego. Im still tired alot, eating alot, boobs arent sore, hormonal 2 damn much 4 who I am. Diarrhea,alot of discharge,back pains,itchy stomach & boobs,sharp pains in my sides & lately a sharp pain in my pelvic area it shoots straight up very uncomfortable. Lol...just wondering if this happened 2 ne of u ladies or kno somebody it has happened 2? Thnxs in advance *baby dust* & congrats 2 u ladies :)


  • Nt ttc any longer*
  • couldn't hurt to take a test like praying4our3rd mention.
  • I would deff test, many women confuse implantation bleeding for a period.
  • Sounds kinda like what I had in November. I got married in October and as a result I lost both of my best friends and I had my mom, dad, and other family members trying to get me to wait. Needless to say, it was a very stressful month. My period was very very light and only lasted a couple days, not a normal one at all. I thought I was pregnant, but it turned out all that stress affected my period.
  • @prayin no not yet waiting for this pd if its gonna come. @newmommy does implantation bleeding happen @ anytime? I would b 6wks if I am @victoria im nt stressed @ all
  • it happens in the early phases, it's caused when the fertilized egg is implanting in your uterus.
  • so it possible @ 6wks 2 have 1?
  • All depends on your body...if doc hasn't confirmed you are 6 weeks you may not be as far as you think, couldve ovulated late.
  • You can have bleeding at 6 and 8weeks. As i had bleeding at 8. Like light mixed with brown discharge (old blood) Could be so many explantions. Pregnancy and stress being the first.. Least if you do a test now then if neg do another if miss period, least you will know what to do. Or at least know where youre head is. Helps trust : ) good luck!
  • *doctor told me about bleeding as i.completely freaked out as aleady knew i was pregnant and had a m/c with my first
  • Test, that is not a period you had.
  • @little1cashew...idk if my mind is playing tricks or wat. I was gonna take a test today but dnt wanna c another bfn :/ my tummy is itching like hell & I cnt help it. Ahhhhhhhh
  • My stomach itches too, and my body same thing happened with my sister, itched w all 4 of hers. Get a first response test it tests the lowest hcg possible w/o buying strips on-line, so there's no guessing on taking another one. I understand, I waited a few days and didn't want to look at the test I've seen too many bfn's but it wasn't.I got the sharp pains in pelvis boobs weren't sore for a while, diahrea, hormonal, and I had only one red spot when I wiped before I expected my af. Just take the plunge and test then at least you know how to move on from there and the what ifs won't be driving you crazy that's why I finally did.
  • Ok I will. Is the first response a digital test?
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