Amybody experience this before?
Afternoon ladies...although im nt ttc I wouldn't care if I end up prego. Ok so....i thought I was prego last mth. Gt my pd(period) on the 19th. It wasnt my normal pd it wasnt heavy & onky blood when I wiped nt in my urine or anythin. I was wonderin if I cld still b prego. Im still tired alot, eating alot, boobs arent sore, hormonal 2 damn much 4 who I am. Diarrhea,alot of discharge,back pains,itchy stomach & boobs,sharp pains in my sides & lately a sharp pain in my pelvic area it shoots straight up very uncomfortable. Lol...just wondering if this happened 2 ne of u ladies or kno somebody it has happened 2? Thnxs in advance *baby dust* & congrats 2 u ladies