im about to go CRAZY....

edited September 2012 in Babies
My 1 month old dont do nothing but cry all day long, I'm about to pull all my hair out what can I do?


  • Colic, formula?
  • Walk away...even if its only for five first cried 24 hrs a day 7 days a week until 11 mnths...I loved my baby but there were days I really thought I was going to lose it....I found laying him some where I knew he was safe and.just standing in the front yard for a few mins helped me clear my.head...many days I would just hold him and cry with him, because nothing else worked....crazy as this sounds, he loved the sound of the dryer...we have a laundry room on the main level and there are many times he would sleep in his car seat in the laundry room with the dryer running (if you don't know what a colic baby is like...don't judge lol) I pray it gets better for you!!!
  • Baby wearing is great for a fussy baby
  • @Caroline8_p both, I think I changed his formula 3 times. @coltensmamma I know how a colic baby is lol. I let him cry sometimes, he get so red in the face and he have a cry of pain. I feel so sorry for my baby: ( @blessedtxmom I have one but it don't help.
  • @sands3 what is that?
  • I know exactly how your feeling!!! I hope something works out for you! Praying for little guy! :)
  • edited September 2012
    What about swaddling, have you tried that? And a pacifier.

    Babywearing is when you wear your baby in a wrap or sling. You can check it out at It's great! (I'm babywearing in my profile pic)
  • Ask dr to prescribe a certsin formula, if you use wic.
  • @wilsonmom I swaddling him he just cries and try to break out. A pacifier work for about a minute. I'm at my wits end.
  • edited September 2012
    This will sound crazy, but it works.... Swing him back and forth in your arms like really dramatically, almost like you're playing airplane or something with a toddler. Then say "Shhhhh" like REALLY loud over and over. I know it sounds weird and looks crazy, but I swear it works. I hope that made sense...people think you have to be so gentle and easy with babies, but sometimes doing the rocking and shushing a little more dramatically makes a difference. Now...I'm not talking shaken baby syndrome here haha, but hopefully you get the idea. Somehow it soothes them. You might have to do it for like 5 minutes straight.

    I hope that helps. :)
  • @wilsomom I will have to try that. Thanks. :)
  • Sorry I spelled your name wrong at first
  • That's ok lol, I hope it's kind of a last resort sometimes.
  • Have you tried gas drops? And yes, the dramatic swaying like wilsomom said is awesome. It sounds nuts, but they seem to like it. Haha
  • Ollie never could resist the dramatic swaying abd dramatic rocking with the loud Shhhh!
  • When nothing will console my little girl wraping a blanket around me and covering her up with her head on my chest and out of the blanket works she loves to snuggle so we sit down wraped iin a blanket and I sing to her. Her swing works as well with classical music playing
  • chiropratctor......and good luck to you, that is SOOOO TOUGH!! Ugh, brings back nightmares, lol!
  • Try drawing a warm bath and get in it with him. I use to do this with my son and it seemed go sooth him and it also would push the air out of his belly while he was in the water up to his shoulders.

    He would.eventually fall asleep
  • Noise machine or some kind of white noise or hair dryer, always worked for me!
  • I would be careful about the continued formula change, as switching it so much can really upset baby's belly and cause more colic. Give a formula a bit more time to become adjusted to before switching again :) It won't last forever, just remember that!
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  • Have you tried burping in the middle of a feeding then finishing the feeding and Burlington again? That helped my daughter a lot.
  • Maybe he has acid reflux?
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