help on what contraceptive if any to take?

edited September 2012 in Health
Me and my partner are going to start ttc next feb when savannah turns 1 my depo is due to run out in a week, now what would u ladies do, I can't take pill because I'm on warferin I don't want depo again as making me put on 2 much weight and feel crap so want a few months before ttc without all the hormones etc but not worth getting a coil fitted for few months, now bf has said we can just use condoms for few months let my bodys cycle get back on track etc so by time ttc shouldent take long etc. Do u agree this is best or is there other options not thought of ty xx


  • Non hormonal IUD paragard?
  • Ty at MamaLove :) would only be in for 4 months but seems better tham condoms :). Has any1 had this and how long after did it take to concieve? Xx
  • Nuvaring? Patch?
  • I always did the use condoms before and it helped me regulate and i always fell pregnant the first month of trying. You could also use a cap or diaphram as both are non hormonal you just use when needed.
  • That's why I wanted to just use condoms @silverfairy as it took me 8 months to concieve before and want a closer gap so sooner I do concieve when try the better its just 4 months till we do :( xx
  • 4 months is about how long we used condoms for. It makes a difference if your cycle is not screwed by hormones i was able to tell when i was ovulating and everything. I hope you are the same and fall as quick as i did :-) xxx
  • Ty @silverfairy :) I hope so I'm excited about it just now a long wait! Lol and when I was ttc after around for months I could tell aswell deff easyer! Xx
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