Its Midnight and my LO is off the hook!

edited September 2012 in Sleep
OMG... It's midnight and Haylee is still going non-stop. (shaking my head) Errrrr!

@JuliansMommy and I were texting much, much earlier about putting LO's on a schedule and blah blah blah.. I was going on and on like I knew it all. RMAO!

Now look at ME.. I'm up like a zombie and @JuliansMommy is sleeping like a baby!.

Haylee just asked for more food.. so now she's re-fed, replenished, bubble guppies are blaring and she's spinning around and around dancing.

OMG! Pleeeeeaase someone come save me!.


  • Oh dear! Maybe she is on English time, its 8.22am here! When she (finally) goes down you need to make sure you wake her at 7/8am to get her back on real time lol. I take it she just has one nap around lunch time for her age? Make sure she has no more than two hours then you need a proper bedtime routine to get her down for 7/7.30! You have done this before woman! Lol x
  • My lo is awake and will NOT go to sleep! Its 3:35am here! He just keeps bouncing up and down in his crib -_-
  • Lmfao! That's crazy maybe she wanted like a rockstar like Julian...haha It took us forever to put him to sleep last night but he slept through the night. He usually gets up once for a bottle. What time did Haylee end up going to sleep?
  • Don't feel bad Kaylee's bedtime is 12 am. I feel so terrible but being a sahm its not like I have anything to do the next day.
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  • @JuliansMommy she hadn't been eating well all day cause of teething and around bedtime I blended her a frozen fruit and milk smoothie cause I knew shed definitey eat/drink that.

    I think just the natural sugars in the fruit sent her in full bubble guppie dancing fever.

    She timed out around 12:30ish
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