uhhh.. help? 1st b-day!

edited September 2012 in Babies "First's"
First off - yes I am a procrastinator LOL
So my lo's first birthday is THIS SUNDAY and I have nothing planned.... I just dont know what to do. Her dad keeps asking "what are we doing? everyone is asking me" and all I have is I DONT KNOW!! I really hate hosting things. And my mom basically said no for her place. My sil said it could be at her house but its SOOO far (well not really, only 20 mins) but that just complicates it for everyone else who has to drive out there when they could just drive 5 mins to my place. Plus Im not 100% comfortable there.. so thats out.
I was thinking just to keep things simple I would tell everyone to drop in between say 2 and 4 and say hi, have some cake and drop gifts off if they have them. We wont be serving anything other than cake and maybe some snacks. People can stay for the whole 2 hours or just come say hi, then go. I figure this will keep people from feeling left out --if they dont show, its their problem! Right??
How does this sound??


  • 20 minutes is not far at all. I would just so something at her house. Get some decorations together, few snacks and drink, cake and then people can be there while she's trying to open presents. I get overwhelmed thinking about planning things with people BC I want everyone to be comfortable but don't stress she only turns 1 one time.
  • @jules the thing is, Im pretty sure most of my family wouldnt come if it was at her place! which means I would feel so bad if they didnt show
  • I see well ask a couple of your family members to see what they are more comfortable with. And if that is the case due the same thing at your place :)
  • Local park?? Thats what we are doing for little mans 1st bday!!
  • You sound alottt like my boyfriend lol He dont do anything until last minute. lol on the other hand I do things wayyyy in advance lol hes lucky he has me lolol.

    I'd decorate your house up or your sils, order some $5 little ceasars pizzas, bake a cake and just make a party, its hard because its so last minute you couldnt book it anywhere. also as lilbit01_209 said.. a park would be great depending on the weather. maybe chuckie cheese? i know to book a party there is $300+ but you guys can just go to go?
  • My son's birthday is this Saturday and I am keeping it low key. I invited people over for cupcakes and ice cream and we'll play some rockband and that's about it. We're going out as a family to a fun little outdoor farm/pumpkin patch place but as for a party, if people wanna show up at my house on the ghetto for some treats great, if not oh well. I just wanted to ENJOY my son's first birthday instead of stressing about it.
    I say kept it mellow and enjoy yourself with your lo.
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  • @Musicmomma exactly what I want just simple and I don't want to spend a crap load of money. And the pumpkin patch is a great idea!
    @mommylovessparkle no Chuck e cheese here. yup just gonna decorate a bit :) my sil insists on making the cake so that's done I don't have to deal with it. Idk about pizzas that might be a good idea especially for the few kids that will be here
  • I kept my LO's 1st-birthday to only family and A couple good friends. I did it at Peter Piper Pizza. No mess to clean up and it's a given allotment of time. I spent about $150, which didn't include the cake.
  • Just do something small like have the pepple closest to you come over for cake asnd ice cream.....
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