eating too much?

edited September 2012 in Food
Jailynns pediatrician said to just feed her on demand and at least every three hours. Well, im a ftm and bfing. She seems to eat forever. Like she sucks for 45 minutes on either side. Is she really eating or just using me as a paci? Im just not sure when to pull her off because if sheis using me as a paci then she will just suck forever. Advice?


  • You can tell if she's actually eating if you hear her swallowing.. after two or three sucks, you should see and hear her swallow. Make sure you break the latch before taking her off, if you're not already..!
  • Oh, and babies don't really "over eat," per say.. if they get too much, they just spit it up. 15-20 minutes on each side is usually how long it takes. If she is just pacifing herself, it'll just help build your supply!
  • Do you use a paci?

    If not, get one and when you think she is just using you, unlatch her and stick the paci in. Sometime I put a little breast milk on the paci nipple.
  • Yea, they def dont evereat. Especially breastfeeders.
  • @caroline8_p we have tried 4 different kinds of pacis. She spits it out and gets a pissed off look on her face.
  • And she hasn't ever cried at night when she is hungry. I have to set my alarms and when i check her she is just there waiting to eat and licking her lips. And she sleeps through everything including my moms boyfriend on football Sunday.
  • Hmm. Even tried slipping it in when she is already out? Like directly after the unlatch?
  • My lo does the same thing. She will be on me ALL day if I let her.
  • @caroline8_p she is smarter than us. I guess if it doesn't taste like mommy Boobs then she won't take it. I even tried putting some breast milk on the paci.
  • My little boy was/is the same way! He refused pacis and he has now started sucking his fingers.. I unlatch him when I notice he is asleep and using me as a paci and if he still wants to suck he will get his fingers. He is 5 months now
  • edited September 2012
    Hmm. Idk then. Just try to unlatch her and hold her close for a minute so she can still smell you.
  • Also......this is random. But my 9 day old wants to try and sleep through one of her night time feedings. This has been for a couple nights now. I wake her up to eat of course.....but os this normal at all?
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  • @homebirthadvocate thank you :-) i really love the help every one
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