baby wearing

Im thinking about trying it. I have a really nice wrap. it is a maya ring wrap. Tips or advice anyone?


  • The more broken in and softer it is, the easier it is the handle. Wash it, iron it. If you have older toddlers or kids let them use it as a hammock. Threading is what makes it easier. If you have it threaded properly and it's spread out enough, getting the rails tight will be no problem. Other than that, just make sure you get a nice deep seat and that the knees are higher than your LOs bum. It should make a W shape. Happy Babywearing!!
  • @alymaries i got it at a big semi annual second hand baby sale we have here. Its really soft right now. And my lo is mh first. Can i still use it even tho she is only 9 days old?
  • I'm not sure those are made for babies that small
  • Oh no sorry I was wrong you can put a newborn in one
  • Yes you can put your baby in there!! I wore mine the day she came home from the nicu at 6 days old. They recommend your froggy newborns legs, which just means out of the fabric. Keep the top rail as close to the neck as possible for head support!
  • edited September 2012
  • edited September 2012
    Ugh! Stupid phone and its double posts
  • We love babywearing! You can wear from birth all the way through toddlerhood. I don't have much experience with Maya wraps but I have a girasol (woven wrap) that I can't live without. You could join babywearing love and support on Facebook. I've learned a ton from those mamas. Also there is a swap page but it can be dangerous as everything is so gorgeous :) happy babywearing.
  • Epic fail phone!
  • I have the moby wrap but would live to try other kinds!! @drgonz523
  • Did you guys know that the week of October 8th is babywearing week. Or something like that. Lol. I saw it online
  • @lacy809 the moby is great for small babies but unfortunately once baby gets too heavy for front carries it is unsafe to use a stretchy wrap for back carries. If you're interested you should also join babywearing love and support on Facebook. You will learn so much very quickly even if you don't post. The swap I was referring to is also a great place to look for a new carrier for yourself. Sometimes you can buy what you're looking for brand new or even used so that it's already soft and broken in for you. The wrap I have (which I'm using to wear my lo on my back in my photo) I bought used but in excellent condition and I couldn't be happier with it. I'm currently looking into buying another used wrap or carrier if I can find what I'm looking for at the right price.
  • Yes! We are excited to wear our girasol proudly all week and celebrate my lo's birthday on the last day :)
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